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The Science Behind Scientific Writing

Section I: What to do before writing  There are many researchers and students who have little expertise in writing scientific literature. Scientific writing is a complicated activity, and many people presume that scientific literature is hard to read. However, the skill of scientific writing can be…

Plantae Presents: Setting SMART Goals

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Plantae Presents: Setting SMART Goals Featuring José Dinneny and Antonio Molina When: Friday, April 21, 2023, at 10:00 AM PDT | 1:00 PM EDT | 5:00 PM GMT | 1:00 AM Beijing About this Webinar Setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals is crucial for providing…

The Lab Notebook: A Researcher’s Best Friend

It has often been said that the difference between “science” and “messing around” is that in science, you have to write stuff down. Keeping a good written record of your research is a key skill to learn as you progress as a scientist, no matter if you're working in academia, industry, or in the…

Navigating a Scientific Paper

Many in the scientific community attended the webinar this week with speakers Mary Williams and Michelle Facette, moderated by ASPB Plantae Fellow Xiaohui Li, but for those who didn’t or who want a resource to keep on-hand to help navigate a scientific paper, ASPB Plantae Fellows Rose McNelly and…

Plantae Presents: How to Read a Scientific Paper

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Plantae Presents: How to Read a Scientific Paper Featuring Mary Williams and Michelle Facette When: Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 08:00 AM PST | 11:00 AM EST | 4:00 PM GMT | 12:00 AM Beijing About this Webinar In this one-hour workshop, Dr. Mary Williams and Dr. Michelle Facette will discuss…