Write a Plant Science Haiku: And the winner is...
Blog, Education, Research, Research BlogThe September Plantae competition asked plant scientists to write and submit haiku about plant science. With nearly 100 submissions, our judges struggled to make their decision. Most of the submissions embodied the spirit of the haiku form, many were lovely, nearly all expressed the author's fascination…

Making Science Make Sense - Simple experiments for younger children, from Bayer
Activities, Blog, Education, Resources, Younger Children0 Comments
Making Science Make Sense (MSMS) has entered its 22nd year of making a positive STEM education impact on students across the United States. Since the program’s nascent year in 1995, Bayer’s MSMS has brought educational experiments to the classrooms that are kid-friendly and designed to intrigue and…

My experiences as a PlantingScience mentor
Blog, Careers, Careers - Blog, Careers in Plant Science, Education, Middle & High School, Organizations, ResourcesPlantingScience is an online mentoring program that virtually connects scientists with junior high or high school students as they participate in inquiry-based activities with plants. Mentors commit to an hour or so per week over roughly two to four weeks, during which they respond to student questions…

Career-building opportunities for plant scientists – apply now!
Blog, Careers, Careers - Blog, Education
Publications are important, but these days it takes more than a couple of nice papers to move your career to the next level. Also, increasingly scientists are looking outside the (academic) box for their next career move. ASPB provides many ways through which scientist can build their careers and…

Celebrating women in STEM through @365womeninSTEM
Blog, Careers, Careers - Blog, Multimedia, Profiles of Plant Scientists, UndergraduateFrom abstract algebra to zoology, women participate in science, technology, engineering and medicine (STEM), but sometimes their stories are not as well known as those of their male colleagues. To remedy this, PhD student Josie Maidment is conducting a one-year Twitter education campaign called "@365womeninSTEM,"…

iBiology - Magdalena Bezanilla: Understanding Cell Shape
Blog, Curated Webinars / Video Lectures, Education, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: News, WebinarsMagdalena is a Reviewing Editor for The Plant Cell and a Professor at UMass Amherst. Here she describes her research interests in a series of videos published by iBiology.
A set of three video lectures, published by iBiology on May 2, 2017
Part 1: Understanding cell shape: Big insights from…

The SingAboutScience.org database: An educational resource for instructors and students
Blog, Education, Education General, GP Multimedia, Multimedia, Multimedia, Younger Children
Setting something to music is a well-known method for supporting learning (think about the alphabet song that you learned as a child). Gregory J. Crowther has assembled a searchable database of science-themed songs, along with lesson plans and suggestions for how to use songs in your teaching.…

Alan Alda's Experiment: Helping Scientists Learn To Talk To The Rest Of Us
Blog, Careers, Education, Education General, Skills and Advice, Writing/Reviewing/Publishing/CommunicatingAn NPR interview with Alan Alda about his efforts to help scientists learn to communicate.
"People are dying because we can't communicate in ways that allow us to understand one another," he writes. "It sounds like an exaggeration, but I don't think it is. When patients can't relate to their doctors…

Why can't scientists be better communicators? (SciAm blog)
Blog, Careers, Education General Public, Skills and Advice, Writing/Reviewing/Publishing/Communicating
Author Katherine Wu highlights some of the challenges that interfere with scientists communicating.
She says, "Both scientists and non-scientists must commit to not only communication, but also a drastic reassessment of how we communicate with each other. I believe mending the rift starts with…