Making Science Make Sense - Simple experiments for younger children, from Bayer
Activities, Blog, Education, Resources, Younger Children0 Comments
Making Science Make Sense (MSMS) has entered its 22nd year of making a positive STEM education impact on students across the United States. Since the program’s nascent year in 1995, Bayer’s MSMS has brought educational experiments to the classrooms that are kid-friendly and designed to intrigue and…

Activity: Do plants need soil to grow?
Activities, Education, Multimedia, Resources, Younger ChildrenThis resource provides a set of videos and a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences. In the first video Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher to find out how to set up and run an investigation to find out if plants…

Make Me Genius: Uses of Plants for Kids
Activities, Multimedia, Younger ChildrenA charming ~7 minute animation (with regular photos interspersed) featuring two youngsters talking about the many ways plants support all life and provide products everyone needs and uses every day. Relaxed but concise use of key vocabulary terms will expand young viewers understanding of plants and…

It's all in the touch! Plant biology curriculum grades 5 - 8
Activities, Education, Younger ChildrenThe objective of this curriculum is to encourage conceptual understanding of plant diversity, cell structure and function through tactile exploration of these topics. It has been recognized that human senses of touch, smell and taste are effective and meaningful ways of educational engagement. Focusing…

Plant Biology Science Fair Project Ideas (& more)
Activities, Education, Younger ChildrenGet hands-on experience with the plants around you with these plant science fair project ideas. Ideas are sorted as Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Plants have developed an amazing variety of strategies to succeed in the struggle for survival. In addition to the science itself, plant biology…

Nutrients for Life Curriculum
Activities, Organizations, Younger ChildrenThe Nutrients for Life Foundation is an educational non-profit that provides information and resources to educators and the public about the vital role fertilizers play in feeding our world. Through donations, we are able to offer free educational materials on soil science to educators. All of our resources…

USDA Teacher Resources: Wildflowers and Pollinators
Activities, Education, Younger ChildrenAn extensive set of resources for various grade levels to help children explore the relationships between plants and pollinators.
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Living Schoolyards Month Activity Guide (2016)
Activities, Activities, Education, Education General Public, Younger ChildrenThis free guide (PDF) has over forty hands-on activities for PreK-12th grade students and the public. Activities are succinctly & beautifully presented. Each one includes goals, materials, procedures, age guidelines and teaching tips useful photos on 1-2 pages. Overarching themes include: Art, Recreation,…

Smarty Plants: Lessons on Plant Growth
Activities, Education, Younger ChildrenSmarty Plants, a plant seller based in Australia, offers clear and kid-friendly plant explorations for primary-aged learners. These plans are adaptable, no matter the source of your plants. The well-organized 'Classroom' tab of their site lists curriculum and kid-friendly lesson plans and experiment…