Career-building opportunities for plant scientists – apply now!

Publications are important, but these days it takes more than a couple of nice papers to move your career to the next level. Also, increasingly scientists are looking outside the (academic) box for their next career move. ASPB provides many ways through which scientist can build their careers and diversify their skills. Here are a few, but act quickly; applications for these programs are due in the next few days!

PlantingScience: Mentoring opportunity, and the PlantingScience Master Plant Science Team (MPST)

PlantingScience is an online mentoring program that virtually connects scientists with junior high or high school students as they participate in inquiry-based activities with plants. Mentors commit to an hour or so per week over roughly two to four weeks, during which they respond to student questions and help them design and interpret their experiments. Sign up to be a mentor here.

If you are willing to make a larger time commitment, consider applying to the Master Plant Science Team (MPST). This program is open to graduate students and postdocs, who commit to mentoring two or three teams in each the fall and spring terms. More info

The application deadline for the MPST is August 7, 2017


Conviron Scholars Program

This is a brand-new one-year training and mentoring program open to undergraduate and graduate students interested in plant sciences, generously sponsored by Conviron. It includes access to mentoring, career planning guidance, and opportunities to develop communication and writing skills, and includes a one-year membership to ASPB.  More info

Application deadline (including letters of reference) August 11, 2017


Plantae Fellows Program

This program is entering its second year and is open to anyone. Plantae Fellows have behind-the-scenes access to the Plantae website and community. Plantae Fellows can write research summaries for the What We’re Reading series, curate and share resources, contribute to the Profiles of Plant Scientists series, contribute to live online events including Webinars and Ask-Me-Anythings, and develop their own approaches to community building.  More info

Application deadline August 14, 2017


ASPB Ambassador Program

The ambassador program is open to ASPB members. Ambassdors are liaisons between the society and the plant science community at large. They contribute to local outreach activities, gain leadership skills and networking connections, and gain exposure in the plant science community. More info

Rolling admission – next deadline is the end of September, 2017.

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