Entries by Mary Williams

Plant Science Research Weekly: April 1, 2022

Chloroplast protein import determines plant proteostasis and retrograde signaling The neurological condition Huntington’s disease is caused by mutated versions of the Huntingtin gene that encode expanded stretches of polyglutamine repeats, resulting in protein aggregation. However, despite the widespread presence of polyglutamine repeat regions in plant proteomes, similar pathologies have yet to be observed. To investigate […]

Review: A rulebook for peptide control of legume–microbe endosymbiosis (Trends in Plant Sci)

Symbiotic associations with bacterial or fungal partners enhance nutrient uptake for most plants, and recent years have uncovered the very sophisticated means by which these associations are established and controlled. Peptides have emerged as key regulators of many facets of mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbioses. Here, Roy and Müller synthesize much of our current understanding of […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: March 18, 2022

Review: A rulebook for peptide control of legume–microbe endosymbiosis Symbiotic associations with bacterial or fungal partners enhance nutrient uptake for most plants, and recent years have uncovered the very sophisticated means by which these associations are established and controlled. Peptides have emerged as key regulators of many facets of mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbioses. Here, Roy […]

Water-related innovations in land plants evolved by different patterns of gene cooption and novelty (New Phytol)

The availability of genome data from across the kingdom of plants has provided insights into plant evolution, and particularly the emergence of land plants. Here, Bowles et al. explore the genetic origins of three key innovations that supported the expansion of land plants: stomata, vascular tissues, and roots. They investigated the correlation between the emergence […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: March 4, 2022

Review. Auxin canalization: From speculative models toward molecular players The versatility of roles that the hormone auxin plays led Paque and Weijers to suggest a new meaning to the acronym IAA (originally- Indole Acetic Acid)- ‘Influences Almost Anything’. It is known that PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin exporters are responsible for cell-to-cell directional auxin flow and auxin […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: February 18th, 2022

Carbon flux through photosynthesis and central carbon metabolism show distinct patterns between algae, C3, and C4 plants Photosynthesis is an attractive target for improving crop yields, and tailoring downstream photosynthesis-associated metabolism is a relatively unexplored path for achieving this. Chlorella ohadii is the fastest growing photosynthetic organism identified, has high photosynthetic rates, and can survive […]

Plant Physiology Webinar: Celebrating the February 2022 Focus Issue on The Plant Cell Atlas

The Plant Cell Atlas Focusing New Technologies on the Kingdom that Nourishes the Planet Recorded Thursday, February 10, 2022 8 AM PST (UTC – 8) | 11 AM EST  (UTC – 5)| 4 PM GMT   About This Webinar Recent years have brought technological breakthroughs that provide a new perspective on the living cell. Single-cell […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: February 4, 2022

Review: The great diversity in kinds of seed dormancy: a revision of the Nikolaeva–Baskin classification system for primary seed dormancy ($) In 1967, Marianna G. Nikolaeva presented the first detailed system to classify seed dormancy based on its causes and the conditions required to break it. Later in 2004, Jerry and Carol Baskin devised a […]