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Plant Science Research Weekly: November 1, 2024

Spotlight: The role of fossils for reconstructing the evolution of plant development I suspect if we asked someone to describe a fossil we’d hear a lot about dinosaur bones. Certainly, science museums are full of fossilized animal remains, which have greatly informed our understanding of animal…

Plant Science Research Weekly: October 11, 2024

Virtual issue: The chemical language of plant–microbe–microbe associations Don’t miss this exciting Virtual Issue from New Phytologist on “plant-microbe-microbe” interactions. That’s not a typo – many of the articles address the signals that coordinate such multi-factorial interactions,…

Plant Science Research Weekly: September 27, 2024

Review: Molecular concepts to explain heterosis in crops Heterosis, the phenomenon where hybrid plants outperform their genetically distinct parents, is a cornerstone of modern agriculture. This review by Hochholdinger and Yu explores the molecular mechanisms behind heterosis. The review traces the…

Plant Science Research Weekly: September 6, 2024

Review: Guidelines for studying and naming plant plasma-membrane domains Numerous studies have highlighted the critical importance of plasma membrane heterogeneities in regulating cell functions, leading to a proliferation of overlapping and contradictory terminologies. Here, Jaillais and others in…

Plant Science Research Weekly: August 23, 2024

Review. Chilling out: How plants remodel membranes to survive the cold Low temperatures disrupt cellular processes and require metabolic adaptation. Cold-induced lipid remodeling helps maintain membrane permeability and prevents phase separations that can lead to cellular damage. In this review, Shomo,…

Plant Science Research Weekly: August 16, 2023

Review. Lighting the way: Compelling open questions in photosynthesis research Photosynthesis is fundamental to life on Earth and a topic that all plant biologists should have a good understanding of, but it is also an incredibly complex set of processes, reactions and structures spanning great temporal…

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 26, 2024

Review: Stem cells of the vascular cambium Vascular cambium cells are meristematic cells responsible for secondary growth. Lineage tracing studies in Arabidopsis and poplar show the presence of single bifacial stem cells in each radial cell file that produce xylem inwards and phloem cells outwards.…

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 12, 2024

Review: Root development and symbiosis: an epigenetic perspective Roots do not grow in isolation but occupy a space inhabited by a variety of organisms. With certain fungi and bacteria, they form partnerships or symbiotic relationships that increase the plant’s nutrient uptake and assimilation.…

Plant Science Research Weekly: June 14, 2024

Review: Deep learning approaches to understanding stomatal function Sydney Brenner famously said, “Progress in science depends on new techniques, new discoveries and new ideas, probably in that order." Right now, we’re seeing how advancements and new techniques in artificial intelligence and deep…