Essay. Biomedical publishing: Past, present, and future
Plant Science Research WeeklyIn this essay, Richard Sever (founder of bioRxiv) provides a history of scholarly publishing, starting with the Royal Society Philosophical Transactions (1665). He then provides an overview of the current landscape: not-for-profit society publishers versus for-profit publishers; a breakdown of the real…

Commentary: Time to fight the over-hype
Plant Science Research WeeklyA year ago, graduate student Merritt Khaipho-Burch Tweeted a reaction to an article about a gene described as enhancing yield, which led to lively on-line and in-the-lunchroom discussions about how to realistically measure yield, and, maybe more importantly, where to draw the line between potential and…

Ignoring plant science: When you love the plants but not the plant science (Plants People Planet)
Plant Science Research WeeklyHave you ever heard the terms ‘zoochauvinism’, ‘plant blindness’ or ‘plant awareness disparity’? Do you know that in a Twitter poll about 30% of the participants voted plants out of wildlife? Ever noticed how important documentaries like ‘Planet Earth II’ and ‘Our Planet’ prefer animals…

Improving Outreach In Plant Science
NAASC, Resources for AlliesImproving Outreach In Plant Science- Workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual
Jose Dinneny, Stanford (and former NAASC member) organized this workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual. The workshop stemmed from his leadership of two NAASC activities on the topic of Outreach in Plant Science that occurred between 2018-2021,…

Plantae Webinar: Launch and advance a career in science without a PhD
Blog, Careers, Plantae Webinars, Professional Development2 Comments
Plantae Webinar: Launch and advance a career in science without a PhD
Recorded Thursday, April 22nd
About This Webinar
Many of our career conversations focus on what’s next after a plant science PhD, but there are other ways to be extremely successful in this field without a doctorate. In…

DiversifyPlantPubs - Amplifying Underrepresented Voices
Blog, Changing Culture and Climate, NAASC, Resources for BIPOCNAASC #DiversifyPlantPubs is simple and straight-forward. The NAASC DiversifyPlantSci Twitter account @DiversifyPlants re-tweets scientific articles, including pre-prints, written by scientists who self-identify as plant science researchers with diverse identity(ies).
If you are Black, Indigenous,…

Plants as Grandparents, Doctors, and Chefs - A Webinar Series Organized by GeneSprout
Blog, EducationA collective of young plant scientists, known as GeneSprout Initiative, share their research in a December webinar series.
What is GeneSprout Initiative?
GeneSprout Initiative is a collective of young plant researchers based in the Netherlands and Belgium. We want to increase public engagement…

SciComm Resources
BlogI would love to start a thread for people to share their favorite online SciComm Resources related to developing materials, short courses, strategies etc. I have listed a few that I have found below.
1. ASLO Scientists Guide to Social Media
2. Running a Reddit Ask me Anything
3. Tips for breaking…

What Happens after Manuscript Submission?
Blog, Plantae Webinars, Pubs Pages, Science Communication, WebinarsWhat Happens after Manuscript Submission?
Recorded Friday, March 6, 2020
About This Webinar
In one of our recent webinars, Mary Williams discussed how to prepare your manuscript for publication. But what happens next?
In the second webinar of this series, Jon Munn, Jennifer Regala,…