NAASC-Seeds of Change: Using Plants to Broaden the Impact of Science in Society

In November 2018, NAASC hosted an NSF-funded* workshop entitled “Broadening the Impact of Plant Science Through Community-Based Innovation, Evaluation and Sharing of Outreach Programs” at the University of California, Davis.

The 3-day workshop was organized by members of NAASC**, and before it started we held a public mini-symposium featuring 7 workshop members that presented topics relevant to the workshop objectives. The mini-symposium was open to the campus and the public and concluded with an informal networking and discussions session attended by about 75 people.

The workshop and mini-symposium laid the groundwork for a collaboratively-written guide for science outreach to make science outreach easier, better and more effective.  The guide has been accepted for publication in Plant Direct and will be released shortly. There will also be a follow-up workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual this June organized and led by Jose Dinneny on this topic.

Seeds of Change: Using Plants to Broaden the Impact of Science in Society

Public Mini-symposium hosted at UC Davis, November 2018

  1. José Dinneny- Innovative, Inclusive, and Integrative Plant Science Outreach
  2. Ying Sun- Let the Real You Shine: Programs to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion in Graduate Education
  3. Liz Haswell- Podcast to Build and Broaden the Plant Biology Community
  4. Roger Hangarter- Improving Science Literacy Through Art
  5. Alexandra Schnoes- Democratizing Science Education
  6. Mary Wildermuth- Developing the Next Generation of Diverse Scientists
  7. Rick Amasino- Rapid-cycling Brassica rapa as an Educational Model Plant

*This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. #1518280 (to PI Siobhan Brady/Co-PI Joanna Friesner). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this event, or in resulting work, are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

**Workshop organizers: José Dinneny (Stanford), Joanna Friesner (NAASC), Liz Haswell (WUSTL), Roger Innes (Indiana University), Siobhan Brady (UC Davis) on behalf of the North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee (NAASC)