Talking about talking about plant science with Professor Daniel Chamovitz
Plantae Webinars, Science Communication0 Comments
About this Webinar:
Dr. Chamovitz is a sought-after speaker and science commentator. His 2012 book What a Plant Knows has been published in 13 languages, was voted Top 10 in Amazon and is often referred to in discussions on plant senses and intelligence. He has been interviewed in newspapers…

Images for Impact – How-to tips. Created for the Plantae Seminar Series
Blog, Careers, Careers - Blog, Education, Education General, Science Communication, Skills and Advice, Writing/Reviewing/Publishing/Communicating
Earlier this year I gave a Plantae seminar on "Images for Impact" - simple, free tips about how to source and create images to use in your science writing and communicating.
Here is the text of the handout I created to accompany the seminar. You can get this as a PDF here. You can download the…

Talking Plants: Plant Science Communication in a Digital World with Claire Hopkins
Plantae Webinars, Science CommunicationTalking Plants: Plant Science Communication in a Digital World
Recorded May 2017
About This Webinar:
In this seminar, Claire Hopkins will cover the basics, challenges, and joys of communicating plant science to the public. She will offer simple tips for improving your communication skills in any…

Labs, Leadership, and Teams: Project-Based Management
Blog, Plantae Webinars, Research, WebinarsLabs, Leadership, and Teams: Project-Based Management
Recorded June 2017
About this Webinar:
Leading a lab group or being a member within requires coordination and communication to foster a productive and comfortable work environment. With the increase in interdisciplinary initiatives, it is important…

Ask Me Anything: Plant Science Careers in Industry
Careers, Plantae WebinarsAsk Me Anything: Plant Science Careers in Industry
Recorded February 2017
About This Webinar:
Three scientists discuss their experiences with industry careers and the different opportunities they have had working at Monsanto. Participants were invited to pre-submit their questions when they…

Images for Impact with Mary Williams
Plantae Webinars, Science Communication, WebinarsImages for Impact
Recorded October 2016
Download a handout with links and other information here.
About this Webinar:
Whether you’re Tweeting or teaching, well-designed images increase the impact of your message. It’s easy to make high-quality images for use in science communication (whether…

The Power of the 3 Minute Thesis: How to talk about your thesis in three minutes with Rishi Masalia
Plantae Webinars, Science Communication
About this Webinar:
In this webinar, we discuss how to craft a short, effective science communication talk for a general audience. Although this event is structured around the internationally recognized 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which is organized and run by the University of Queensland…

Career Planning for Plant Scientists with Sarah Blackford
Careers, Plantae Webinars
About this Webinar:
Planning your career is a bit of a contradiction in terms since it is hard to plan something which is influenced by so many other outside factors. However, theories suggest that there are particular factors and activities, dispositions and strategies which can help you to develop…