Career Planning for Plant Scientists with Sarah Blackford

About this Webinar: 

Planning your career is a bit of a contradiction in terms since it is hard to plan something which is influenced by so many other outside factors. However, theories suggest that there are particular factors and activities, dispositions and strategies which can help you to develop and progress your career in order to achieve success. In this seminar, we will look at some of these key elements and different ways to approach your career, whether you plan a career within or outside of academia.


Sarah Blackford, Head of Education & Public Affairs at Society for Experimental Biology

Sarah Blackford is a qualified academic careers advisor specializing in supporting researchers. For the past 10 years, she has been providing career coaching and guidance to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Sarah’s work extends to the international level, as she delivers personal career development workshops and one-to-one coaching in universities and during conferences across Europe and in the US. She is the author of Career planning for research bioscientists and regularly blogs on








This webinar is free is freely available thanks to the support of the American Society of Plant Biologists

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