Images for Impact with Mary Williams

Images for Impact

Recorded October 2016 

Download a handout with links and other information here.

About this Webinar: 

Whether you’re Tweeting or teaching, well-designed images increase the impact of your message. It’s easy to make high-quality images for use in science communication (whether social media, blogs, infographics, animations, teaching or research) simply using tools available in PowerPoint. Mary Williams, Features Editor of The Plant Cell, will demonstrate PowerPoint’s design, editing and drawing tools and talk about how and why to use them effectively and professionally to enhance your story. Finally, we will discuss licensing issues such as finding and using Creative-Commons licensed images and when it is and isn’t necessary to obtain formal reuse permission. Participants will be able to: – Edit images using tools within PowerPoint – Create diagrams and drawings using PowerPoint tools – Identify sources of images for reuse.



Mary Williams, Features Editor, The Plant Cell

Mary received her PhD in Plant Molecular Biology from Rockefeller University. From 1995 to 2009 she was a Professor of Biology at Harvey Mudd College, a liberal arts college of science and engineering. In 2009 she joined The Plant Cell as the developer of Teaching Tools in Plant Biology. In addition to her editorial role at The Plant Cell, she mentors students through the Plantae platform, edits Plant Science Research Weekly, and gives workshops in writing, teaching, and communicating at conferences and universities. Mary is very active on Twitter as @PlantTeaching.







This webinar is free is freely available thanks to the support of the American Society of Plant Biologists

If you would like to sponsor an upcoming webinar please contact


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