Entries by Mary Williams

Building back more equitable STEM education: Teach science by engaging students in doing science (bioRxiv)

I firmly believe that the experience of doing science (observing, framing questions, designing and carrying out experiments, and interpreting findings) is the best way to cultivate future scientists, as well as a science-literate public (which we so clearly need). This preprint by Elgin et al. (it’s not often we have a first author with a […]

Promoting inclusive metrics of success and impact to dismantle a discriminatory reward system in science (PLOS Biol)

As scientists, we often measure what we can measure as a proxy for what we want to measure. Critical to this strategy is a good understanding of how well the first represents the second. Currently, advancement in science largely rests upon factors that are easy to measure: number of publications and their citations. Here, Davies, […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 2, 2021

Review: Functional morphology of plants – a key to biomimetic applications Humans have derived inspiration from innumerable corners of the natural world. Plants of diverse forms have inspired many “biomimetics,” or technical products derived from biological models. Speck and Speck review how plant-based biomimetics have developed over time and elaborate on their current use. An […]

ASPB Forward Listening Sessions at PB21, July 19-23

ASPB Forward works to advance change within ASPB by accelerating ideas that benefit our community. We seek to listen, stimulate, capture, incubate, and steward innovative, cross-cutting ideas and programs, so that ASPB will better serve as a more equitable and inclusive organization (read more). Over the past few months, we have been listening to members […]

Plant Physiology is recruiting Assistant Features Editors for 2022

Thank you to all who submitted applications for this program. The deadline has now passed and we will be evaluating the applications and announcing those selected later this year.     This past January, Plant Physiology welcomed 16 new Assistant Features Editors to the editorial board. Together with Assistant Features Editors recruited in 2020, these […]

Pan-genome analysis of 33 genetically diverse rice accessions reveals hidden genomic variations (Cell)

In spite of the considerable excitement that accompanies the first genomic sequence of a species, that sequence usually represents a single individual or inbred accession – the real excitement comes from comparisons between individuals or accessions. These pan-genomic analyses provide insights into the sources of genetic variability. Here, Qin et al. compare the genomes of […]

Focus Issue: Focus on the Biology of Plant Genomes (Plant Cell)

The Plant Cell has published a Focus Issue on the Biology of Plant Genomes. This Focus Issue includes reviews and research articles that highlight some of the most important recent advances in plant genomics and foreshadow future discoveries. Although Arabidopsis is represented in this article collection (with articles focused on NLR proteins and CRISPR screening), […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: June 11, 2021

Focus Issue: Focus on the Biology of Plant Genomes The Plant Cell has published a Focus Issue on the Biology of Plant Genomes. This Focus Issue includes reviews and research articles that highlight some of the most important recent advances in plant genomics and foreshadow future discoveries. Although Arabidopsis is represented in this article collection […]

LEAPing ahead? 

ASPB has submitted a proposal to the NSF (National Science Foundation in response to their recent Dear Colleagues Letter (a DCL is a way to communicate about new or special funding opportunities). The purpose of this DCL was to encourage professional societies to “develop collaborative networks for facilitating cultural changes in the biological sciences to […]