ASPB Forward Listening Sessions at PB21, July 19-23
ASPB Forward, BlogASPB Forward works to advance change within ASPB by accelerating ideas that benefit our community. We seek to listen, stimulate, capture, incubate, and steward innovative, cross-cutting ideas and programs, so that ASPB will better serve as a more equitable and inclusive organization (read more).

LEAPing ahead?
ASPB Forward, Blog0 Comments
ASPB has submitted a proposal to the NSF (National Science Foundation in response to their recent Dear Colleagues Letter (a DCL is a way to communicate about new or special funding opportunities).
The purpose of this DCL was to encourage professional societies to “develop collaborative networks…

ASPB Forward Listening Sessions Week 1: What we heard
ASPB ForwardAs we wrapped up our first week of listening sessions, we wanted to take some time to report on major themes and ideas that were discussed.
ASPB finances:
There was a discussion on the need for more transparency on ASPB’s budget which showed up in several different areas. For members/community-at-large,…

We want to hear from YOU. An invitation from ASPB Forward
ASPB ForwardPlease help us envision and achieve a better Society
Take a moment to imagine what the ideal professional society would be. How would decisions be made, opportunities allocated, scientists supported?
Are we there yet? We hope we’re close, but we know that the best ASPB will be the one that continues…