Plant Physiology is recruiting Assistant Features Editors for 2024
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials, Research
By Yunde Zhao (Plant Physiology EIC) and Mary Williams (Plant Physiology Features Editor)
The mission of the Assistant Features Editor (AFE) program is to help disseminate exciting discoveries published in Plant Physiology and to advance young scientists’ careers. This past January,…

Plant Physiology welcomes 19 new Assistant Features Editors to begin in 2023
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: EditorialsBy Yunde Zhao, Mike Blatt, and Mary Williams
Plant Physiology initiated the Assistant Features Editor (AFE) program five years ago to help disseminate discoveries published in the journal and to train the next generation of editors and reviewers. Our AFEs are promising early-career scientists and…

Plant Physiology is recruiting Assistant Features Editors for 2023
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials
By Yunde Zhao (Plant Physiology EIC) and Mary Williams (Plant Physiology Features Editor)
The mission of the Assistant Features Editor program is to help disseminate exciting discoveries published in Plant Physiology and to advance young scientists’ careers. This past January, Plant Physiology…

Plant Physiology Editor-in-Chief Yunde Zhao organized a webinar for Chinese plant biologists
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: EditorialsOn January 14th, 2022, Editor-in-Chief and Plant Physiology editors from China met more than three hundred Chinese researchers and students through a webinar. Yunde first briefly introduced the history and current status of Plant Physiology. He then presented his vision for the journal in the next five…

Plant Physiology welcomes 13 new Assistant Features Editors
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: EditorialsBy Yunde Zhao, Mary Williams, and Mike Blatt
Plant Physiology initiated the Assistant Features Editor (AFE) program four years ago to help disseminate discoveries published in the journal and to train the next generation of editors and reviewers. Our AFEs are promising early-career scientists and…

Plant Physiology is recruiting Assistant Features Editors for 2022
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials0 Comments
Thank you to all who submitted applications for this program. The deadline has now passed and we will be evaluating the applications and announcing those selected later this year.
This past January, Plant Physiology welcomed 16 new Assistant Features Editors to the editorial…

Plant Physiology Call for Papers: 2021 Focus Issue on the Plant Cell Atlas
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials
Editors: Kenneth D. Birnbaum, Julia Bailey-Serres, Marisa Otegui, and Sue Rhee
Deadline for Submission: May 1, 2021
Publication: December 2021
To submit an article, go to http://pphys.msubmit.net
Many questions central to plant biology focus on the state of specialized cells and their…

Thank you Plant Physiology Assistant Features Editors
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: EditorialsA HUGE thank you to the Plant Physiology Assistant Features Editors who are rotating off today.
We've very much enjoyed working with you for the past few years, best wishes for your futures!
Nathaniel Butler (University of Wisconsin, United States)
Anne-Sophie Fiorucci (Université Paris-Saclay)

Plant Physiology welcomes 16 new Assistant Features Editors
Blog, Plant Physiology: Editorials, Pubs PagesAt the beginning of 2018, Plant Physiology initiated a program to introduce several promising early-career scientists to the editorial board and engage their expertise in assessing and writing about research published in the journal. Over the past three years, these scientists brought their passion for…