Entries by Mary Williams

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 15, 2022

Review: Root cell types as an interface for biotic interactions Kawa and Brady review the contributions and responses of individual cell types and cell identities in plant biotic interactions, both pathogenic and commensal. The first step in these interactions is the perception of the microbes by root cells, which involves highly conserved microbe-associated molecular patterns […]

An Interview with Pierdomenico Perata, PhD, Monitoring Editor of Plant Physiology

By José Manuel Ugalde, PhD, Plant Physiology Assistant Features Editor, and Elisa Dell’Aglio, PhD Prof. Pierdomenico Perata is an Italian plant physologist and professor at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa. He completed his PhD in agricultural biology at the University of Pisa, Italy, and a post-doctoral fellowship at Nagoya University in Japan. Between 2013 and […]

Inclusive restoration: Ten recommendations to support LGBTQ+ researchers in restoration science (Restoration Ecology)

Restoration ecologists seek to repair damaged environments, and as Toone et al. write, “the same principles that shape ecosystem restoration also provide a blueprint for cultivating inclusion in science”. Here, a group of mostly early-career restoration ecologists use their professional lenses and provide ten recommendations to support LGBTQ+ researchers (these are specified towards but not […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: July 1, 2022

Circadian clock component CCA1 is a transcriptional regulator of ABA-mediated abiotic stress tolerance in rice In rice, the circadian clock component gene Circadian Clock Associated 1 (OsCCA1) regulates flowering and nitrogen use efficiency. CCA1 is a MYB family transcription factor that follows a rhythmic expression pattern. Wei et al. confirmed the role of CCA1as a […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: June 17, 2022

Review: Molecular regulators of nitrate response in plants Nitrate is the major form of nitrogen used by plants in an aerobic crop cultivation scenario. Lamig et al. review recent additions to the already vast knowledge of nitrate signaling. A first line of regulation concerns nitrate uptake through post-transcriptional and post-translational regulation of nitrate transporters. Both […]

From Editor to Teacher: Views from Both Sides of the Scientific System. An Interview with Plant Physiology Monitoring Editor Prof. Ronald Pierik, PhD

By Guada Fernández-Milmanda, PhD, Plant Physiology Assistant Features Editor Professor Ronald Pierik completed his PhD in the lab of Drs. Eric Visser and Hans de Kroon in Radboud University, The Netherlands, researching the role of ethylene in neighbor-induced shade avoidance. After completing his PhD, he visited the lab of Dr. Garry Whitelam at Leicester University […]

Plant Cell Webinar: Celebrating the May 2022 Focus Issue on Plant Biotic Interactions (Part 2)

Plant Cell Webinar: Celebrating the May 2022 Focus Issue on Plant Biotic Interactions Plant Biotic Interactions (Part 2) Recorded May 24, 2022.  About This Webinar As much as half of all the calories produced by plant crops is lost to pathogens. Efforts to strengthen plant immunity have led to a deeper understanding of how plants […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: May 27th, 2022

Systematic characterization of gene function in the photosynthetic alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a useful model system to study photosynthetic organisms, as this single-celled species allows for more high-throughput methods than in multicellular plants, and many conserved pathways of interest can be identified. Here, Fauser et al. demonstrate the value of […]

Plant Cell Webinar: Celebrating the May 2022 Focus Issue on Plant Biotic Interactions (Part 1)

Plant Cell Webinar: Celebrating the May 2022 Focus Issue on Plant Biotic Interactions Plant Biotic Interactions (Part 1)  Recorded Tuesday, May 17, 2022   About This Webinar As much as half of all the calories produced by plant crops is lost to pathogens. Efforts to strengthen plant immunity have led to a deeper understanding of […]