Social Media for Scientists: What, Why, and How

Social Media for Scientists: What, Why, and How

Recorded: Friday, September 27

About This Webinar

Scientists are increasingly using social media as vehicles through which to communicate with other scientists and the public. Social media platforms also provide excellent opportunities to build professional networks, learn about opportunities, and develop a sense of community around what can be at times a difficult and lonely vocation.

In this webinar, the first in a series about social media for scientists, we will provide a broad introduction and overview of the different types of social media, explain why they are valuable tools for scientists at all career stages, and provide a few examples of how they are being employed successfully. This webinar will be particularly valuable for those who are curious about how to engage with social media and/or who are just getting started.

Subsequent topics in this series will look into how to use social media to promote your research, social media for science communication, and social media to develop community and professional networks. We will also look more closely at the pros and cons of the most popular social media tools.

This webinar is freely available thanks to the support of the American Society of Plant Biologists. Join Today



Mary Williams, Features Editor,

The Plant Cell

Mary received her Ph.D. in Plant Molecular Biology from Rockefeller University. From 1995 to 2009 she was a Professor of Biology at Harvey Mudd College, a liberal arts college of science and engineering. In 2009 she joined The Plant Cell as the developer of Teaching Tools in Plant Biology. In addition to her editorial role at The Plant Cell, she mentors students through the Plantae platform; edits Plant Science Research Weekly; and gives workshops on writing, teaching and communicating at conferences and universities. Mary is very active on Twitter as @PlantTeaching.




Jennifer Regala, Managing Editor,

The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology

Jennifer Regala is the Managing Editor of ASPB’s journals The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology. After graduating from the University of Maryland, College Park, with a degree in Journalism, she worked at a Washington, DC-based trade association. She then began her scholarly/technical/medical publishing (STM) career at Cadmus Journal Services in Linthicum, MD, working on multiple society journal titles. She spent some time as a freelance STM copyeditor before landing at Sheridan Journal Services, first as a Production Specialist, then a Senior Production Specialist, and finally a Publishing Services Group Leader. After a brief career detour in real estate management with Coldwell Banker Residential Services, Jennifer is back where she belongs – in the STM world as the Managing Editor at ASPB. Jennifer is active on Twitter @JRegala_ASPB and encourages the plant community to follow the accomplishments of ASPB’s amazing authors on Twitter: @ThePlantCell, @PlantPhys, and @PlantDirectJ.




Katie Rogers, Community Engagement Administrator,

American Society of Plant Biologists

Katie received her Master’s degree from the University of Florida in Horticultural Sciences with a specialization in Plant Breeding and Genetics. Katie is very passionate about science communication and began working with ASPB as a Digital Communications Intern in February 2018. In May 2019 she transitioned into a full-time position as Community Engagement Administrator for ASPB where she manages the Plantae community and works to develop new resources and to share information and opportunities with plant scientists. Katie is very active on Twitter as @ktlrogers and manages social media for @ASPB and @Plantae_org.









This webinar is free is freely available thanks to the support of the American Society of Plant Biologists

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