Plant gene editing through de novo induction of meristems ($) (Nature Biotechnol)

A fast method of gene editing using Agrobacterium was developed to deliver combinations of the developmental regulators including WUSCHEL and SHOOT MERISTEMLESS along with gene-editing reagents. The expression of specific developmental regulators led to the induction of meristems and expression of the regulators was monitored by the tagged Luciferase marker expression. The shoot-like tissue was subsequently transferred to rooting medium to regenerate whole, fertile plants. To monitor gene editing, guide RNA targeting phytoene desaturase genes was also co-expressed. Successful genome editing was performed in the induced meristems of cultured tobacco. In a further study, the Agrobacteria were applied to other soil-grown dicots (potato, grape) from which the meristematic tissue had been removed, and some of the resulting growth had evidence of gene editing. Overall this new approach will enhance genome editing in multiple dicots by alleviating the issues associated with tissue culture. (Summary by Suresh Damodaran). Nature Biotech. 10.1038/s41587-019-0337-2