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Plant Science Research Weekly: October 9, 2020

Review: Less is more, natural loss-of-function mutation is a strategy for adaptation Gene gain through duplication and gene loss through loss-of-function (LoF) mutations determine genetic variation underlying diversification and adaptive evolution. In this review, Xu and Guo highlight the importance…

Plant Science Research Weekly: October 2, 2020

Review: Dry architecture: towards the understanding of the variation of longevity in desiccation- tolerant germplasm ($) Most seeds, pollen grains, and fern spores are desiccation-tolerant, meaning they remain viable after drying to low water contents. Given this property, they can be stored in cold…

Plant Science Research Weekly: September 25, 2020

Review: The hornworts: morphology, evolution and development Bryophytes and vascular plants share a land plant as a common ancestor, but they have evolved independently for more than 400 million years. Recent genomic studies of model bryophytes, particularly mosses and liverworts, have provided insights…

Plant Science Research Weekly: 18 September 2020

Guest Edited by Michela Osnato. I completed my studies at the University of Milan (ITALY), with a M.S. in Plant Biotechnology and a PhD in Plant Biology and crop productivity. The plasticity of plant development has always fascinated me. For this reason, I decided to investigate regulatory genes…

Plant Science Research Weekly: September 11, 2020

Review. Roles of plant retinoblastoma protein: cell cycle and beyond The cell cycle is at the heart of processes such as cell division, fate acquisition and cell cycle exit towards differentiation. Decades of cell cycle research in animals and yeast have outlined the main components that control the…

Plant Science Research Weekly: September 4, 2020

Review. Imaging flowers: a guide to current microscopy and tomography techniques to study flower development Flowers bear the reproductive organs and determine the reproductive success of plants by producing fruits and seeds. Flowers usually include four whorls of organs: sepals, petals, stamen…

Plant Science Research Weekly: August 28, 2020

Review: Extending Plant Defense Theory to Seeds ($) Plants have developed multiple mechanisms to deal with the natural enemies they encounter through their life. In consequence, the Plant Defense Theory has arisen to assess how plants allocate resources to this purpose. However, much of the efforts…

Plant Science Research Weekly: August 21, 2020

Stimulating photosynthetic processes increases productivity and water-use efficiency in the field                                                                                                       …

Plant Science Research Weekly: August 14, 2020

Multi-omics reveals mechanisms of total resistance to extreme illumination of a desert alga The green alga Chlorella ohadii was recently isolated from the harsh environment of desert biological sand crusts, where it is able to grow and thrive in extreme conditions. Previously, studies showed that…