Review: How does a plant orchestrate defense in time and space? Using glucosinolates in Arabidopsis as case study
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research0 Comments
Plants, like human societies, must live with the inherent conflict between investing in defense and investing in growth and infrastructure. Burrow and Halkier provide an interesting and highly readable overview of the strategies by which Arabidopsis optimizes the production and distribution of glucosinolates,…

What We're Reading: June 16th
Research, Research BlogReview: How does a plant orchestrate defense in time and space? Using glucosinolates in Arabidopsis as case study
Plants, like human societies, must live with the inherent conflict between investing in defense and investing in growth and infrastructure. Burrow and Halkier provide an interesting and…

Update: Leaf hydraulic architecture and stomatal conductance: a functional perspective
Plant Physiology: Updates, Research, Research BlogBy Fulton E. Rockwell, and N. Michele Holbrook
The structure of leaf vasculature viewed over a broad phylogenetic scale from lycophytes to eudicots correlates with stomatal conductance (gs), providing the basis for the hypothesis that increasing vein density drove the evolution of high fluxes in angiosperms.…

Be a featured Plantae community member: Present yourself and discuss your science
Blog, Research BlogPresent yourself and discuss your science with the Plantae Community in a live online chat event
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Live online chat discussion with featured community member Anne Sternberger
Blog, Careers, Research, Research BlogMark your calendars for the first Plantae.org live online chat discussion with featured community member Anne Sternberger!
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The Role of an Animal-Like Cryptochrome in a Green Alga
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: On The Inside, Research, Research BlogLight is an essential environmental factor for photosynthetic organisms, serving as a source of energy and signal information. To precisely perceive and respond to different wavelengths of the light spectrum, eukaryotic photosynthetic microorganisms and higher plants have developed different classes…

Phenotyping Water Deficit Acclimation Responses
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: On The Inside, Research, Research BlogWater deficit (WD) is one of the main environmental stress factors affecting crops and global food security. Acclimation to WD, however, enables plants to maintain growth under unfavorable environmental conditions. To shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying WD acclimation, Rymaszewski et al.…

Auxin Regulates Growth of a Characean Alga
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: On The Inside, Research, Research BlogAuxin regulates many aspects of growth and development in land plants, but the origin and evolution of auxin signaling and response mechanisms remain largely unknown. Genome analyses of the moss Physcomitrella patens revealed the presence of the principal gene families involved in auxin homeostasis and…

Is All Root Hair Development the Same?
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: On The Inside, Research, Research BlogRoot hairs are long tubular extensions of root epidermal cells that greatly increase the root surface area and thereby assist in water and nutrient absorption. Root hairs are found in nearly all vascular plants, including angiosperms, gymnosperms, and lycophytes, and they exhibit similar cellular features,…