Be a featured Plantae community member: Present yourself and discuss your science

Present yourself and discuss your science with the Plantae Community in a live online chat event

  • Get live practice presenting yourself and your science in a short, compelling, and concise way
  • Benefit from quality time with a focused audience of like-minded peers
  • Guarantee of dedicated subject matter experts to mentor, ask questions, give suggestions and provide feedback
  • Make real-time connections with community members from around the globe
  • Obtain live feedback about your research and how you present yourself
  • Expand your network and make meaningful connections.
  • Download a transcript of feedback for future use and to share
  • Gather insights on possible next steps for your career
  • Increase your visibility via public-facing Plantae channels.



  1. Create an awesome profile (include your photo, a cv, and a short video).
  2. Send us an email ( and tell us about yourself and your research, with a link to your profile on Plantae.
  3. Bonus: Attend a live, online chat event on Plantae

Featured members will be chosen from the pool of eligible profiles by the Plantae Fellows.

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