Profile of Mark Tester’s research into salinity tolerance

A bright future for sustainable agriculture

May 28, 2017

Passionate plant scientist Mark Tester conducts ground-breaking research into plants that could one day help feed the world.

Tester's team recently reported on the first high-quality sequencing of the quinoa genome; these results will advance understanding of the plant and its potential for cultivation in poor soils with low-quality water.

Imagine a scenario where crops, such as barley, rice and quinoa, are grown in near-desert conditions, in poor-quality soils or on otherwise barren, marginal lands. These staples, irrigated with brackish water, would produce enough nutritious food to feed the world’s population, even as it continues to grow in the future.

“Ever since I was a child, I’ve had a strong belief that we should leave the world in a better state than we found it,” said Mark Tester, Professor of Plant Science. “This is one of the reasons I’ve chosen this career. As a plant scientist, the most challenging, inspiring and powerful goal is to contribute to helping feed all the people on this Earth.”

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