Letter: Finding umbrella trees: Cultivating inclusion and more than survival in a post-affirmative action academy
Plant Science Research WeeklyIn this Letter to the Editor, Dr. Beronda Montgomery discusses umbrella trees (Musanga cecropioides) as metaphors for how to sustain progress after disruption, specifically the decision by the US Supreme Court to ban the use of race-conscious affirmative action in college admissions. Umbrella trees spring…
Identifying candidates from genome wide association studies using gene orthologs
Plant Science Research WeeklyGenome wide association studies (GWAS) identify genomic loci associated with a specific trait. However, these loci often contain many genes, so selecting which to investigate further can be tricky. To improve this Whitt, et al. developed a program called FiReMAGE (filtering results of multi-species,…
Using cryo-EM to solve the structures of proteins involved in starch degradation
Plant Science Research WeeklyStarch is synthesized in the chloroplasts of leaves during the day and degraded at night. BAM1 (β-AMYLASE 1) catalyzes starch degradation and interacts with the non-catalytic glucan phosphatase called LSF1 (LIKE SEX FOUR 1) and the plastid localised MDH (MALATE DEHYDROGENASE). However, we don’t fully…
Listening to the whispers in the air: Plant eavesdropping in action
Plant Science Research WeeklyPlants release a variety of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including green leaf volatiles (GLVs), terpenoids, and amino acid derivatives, in response to herbivore damage and injury. Healthy neighboring plants detect these VOCs as warning signals, prompting them to activate defense mechanisms. This…
Mechanism by which viruses are excluded from plant stem cells
Plant Science Research WeeklyHorticulturalists have long used the technique of meristem culture to propagate plants, as meristems are generally considered to be free of viruses. However, the mechanism by which the stem cells in meristems exclude viruses has been unclear. Here, Incarbone and Bradamante et al. identified roles for…
Plant Science Research Weekly: October 27, 2023
WWR Full PostReview: Development of organs for nutrient uptake in parasitic plants and root nodule symbiosis
This review by Cui et al. makes the interesting comparison between the developmental processes involved in root nodule formation and haustoria formation by roots of parasitic plants. As the authors observe,…
SYMPL sparks sensor development
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellSafi & Smagghe et al. explore liquid–liquid phase separation for developing fluorescent sensors of protein interaction and kinase activity in plants.
By Wouter Smagghe1,2, Alaeddine Safi1,2 , Jelle van Leene1,2 and Steffen Vanneste3
1Department of…
The Plant Cell Features September First Authors
Blog, Community, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesBehind those manuscripts are researchers, professors, professionals and students dedicated to advancing the field of plant science. You’ve seen our First Authors on Twitter and Facebook— now, read more about why they chose to pursue plant sciences and click on the links to read their articles.
Metacaspases meet stress granules
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellRuiz-Solaní et al. examine how a cysteine protease interacts with stress granules, a type of membrane-less condensate, under heat stress and aging
By Nerea Ruiz-Solaní1,2, Laia Armengot1,2 and Núria S. Coll1,3
1 Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Bellaterra…