Dong Jiang: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Dong Jiang, first author of “Arabidopsis HOPS subunit VPS41 carries out plant-specific roles in vacuolar transport and vegetative growth”
Current position: PhD candidate
2014-2016: Mater study in Bonn University, Germany
20019-Now: PhD study in Southern University of Science…
A ubiquitinated SNARE protein functions in nutrient stress responses
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellHasegawa, Reyes et al. discover a link between the ubiquitination of a key membrane trafficking regulator and carbon/nitrogen nutrient stress.
Background: Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification that functions in numerous cellular processes by serving as a molecular signal, such as protein…
Anna Elisabeth Backhaus: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Anna Elisabeth Backhaus, first author of "High expression of the MADS-box gene VRT2 increases the number of rudimentary basal spikelets in wheat"
Current Position: PhD student at the John Innes Centre, supervised by Cristobal Uauy, Richard Morris and Wilfried Haerty
Education: Bachelor of Science,…
Xiang Ouyang: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Xiang Ouyang, first author of “Partially functional NARROW LEAF1 balances leaf photosynthesis and plant architecture for greater rice yield”
Current Position: Assistant researcher, Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, China
Education: PhD in Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,…
Gayani Weeraratne: Plant Physiology First Author
Plant Physiology: Author Profiles
Gayani Weeraratne, first author of "APYRASE1/2 mediate red light–induced de-etiolation growth in Arabidopsis seedlings"
Current Position: Senior research and development scientist, Natural products
Education: PhD in plant biology, University of Texas at Austin
Non-scientific Interests: Reading,…
Hormone crosstalk orchestrates root development
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellQin et al. identify a mechanism by which ethylene activates gibberellin catabolism to determine primary root growth in rice.
Hua Qin and Rongfeng Huang
Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Background: The optimization of root architecture is one of the…
Led by Inspiration: An Interview with Plant Physiology Monitoring Editor Eirini Kaiserli, PhD
Blog, Editor Profiles, Plant PhysiologyBy Sarah Courbier, PhD, Plant Physiology Assistant Features Editor
A native of Kos, Greece, Eirini studied in the UK at the University of Glasgow, earning a degree in biotechnology and, later, a PhD investigating the function and localization of the first genetically encoded UV-B receptor, UVR8. Eirini…
Plant Physiology Webinar: Celebrating the April 2022 Focus Issue on Gene Editing and its Applications
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plantae Presents, Plantae Webinars, WebinarsGene Editing and its Applications
Recorded Thursday, April 28, 2022
About This Webinar
Recent advancements in gene editing provide unprecedented tools for plant biology research and offer unlimited potential for improving existing crops and de novo domesticating new crops. The Plant Physiology…