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Dong Jiang: Plant Physiology First Author

Dong Jiang, first author of “Arabidopsis HOPS subunit VPS41 carries out plant-specific roles in vacuolar transport and vegetative growth” Current position: PhD candidate Education: 2014-2016: Mater study in Bonn University, Germany 20019-Now: PhD study in Southern University of Science…

Xiang Ouyang: Plant Physiology First Author

Xiang Ouyang,  first author of “Partially functional NARROW LEAF1 balances leaf photosynthesis and plant architecture for greater rice yield” Current Position: Assistant researcher, Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center, China Education: PhD in Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,…

Hormone crosstalk orchestrates root development

Qin et al. identify a mechanism by which ethylene activates gibberellin catabolism to determine primary root growth in rice. Hua Qin and Rongfeng Huang Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Background: The optimization of root architecture is one of the…