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Hong Zhao: The Plant Cell First Author

Hong Zhao, first author of “Origin, Loss and Regain of Self-Incompatibility in Angiosperms” Current Position: Postdoc Fellow, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Education: B.S. from Lanzhou University (2014); Ph.D. from Institute of…

Welcome to our new class of Plantae Fellows!

As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a vibrant and engaging community for plant scientists, we launched the Plantae Fellow Program in 2016. So far, we have had 119 Fellows join the program and this year we are pleased to welcome 25 new Fellows to the 2022 class!  The role of the Fellows…

Cong Li: The Plant Cell First Author

Cong Li, co-first author of "Mutual upregulation of HY5 and TZP in mediating phytochrome A signaling" Current Position: Postdoc, China Agricultural University Education: B.S. (2014) from Hebei Agricultural University; Ph.D. (2019) from China Agricultural University Non-scientific Interests:…