Plantae Webinar: A Guide to Political Activism for Early Career Plant Scientists

When: Monday, November 15, 2021 

10 AM PST (UTC-8)  | 12 PM CST (UTC-6) | 1 PM EST (UTC-5)

About This Webinar

This webinar and discussion will focus on how Early Career Researchers (ECRs) can get involved with their communities through political action or activism. Guest speaker Hallie Thompson will share her experiences recently running for United States House Representative and distribute resources to help webinar attendees understand the opportunities and resources available for them to become more politically active.

This talk is part two of a series organized by the Early Career Plant Scientists Equity Inclusion and Diversity subcommittee about ways individuals and institutions can better serve ECRs in light of the adversities faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. This discussion would be beneficial to both early career researchers (ECRs) and society as a whole.



Hallie Thompson – PhD Candidate, Kremenak NanoTech, Inc.

Hallie’s experiences in the public and private sectors, along with the time she’s invested in founding new programs, have all led her to a passion for building bridges between science policy/communication and business development. Along the way, she has studied biochemistry, plant biology, and more recently, biophysics and microbiology, which has given her the ability to bridge diverse areas of scientific expertise. She served as the graduate and professional student body president at the University of Missouri for two years during graduate school, advocating for graduate worker pay and other rights. Shortly thereafter, she co-founded the Missouri Science and Technology Fellowship (MOST) program in 2016. This program has now placed two cohorts of fellows as resources for the Missouri State Legislature. Probably the most out-of-the-norm experience on her resume is her run for Congress in 2018, through which she learned just how much room there is for growth in the divide between science and policy. Currently, she works as an independent consultant in the science-policy space and management spaces, working with non-profit and small for-profit businesses. 


Patrick Thomas is currently a PhD candidate at the University of California-Riverside and head of ASPB’s Early Career Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Subcommittee. He was originally from Long Island. His interest in plant biology was initiated at a high school science research lab focused on agriscience. He attended Penn State University where he majored in Agricultural Science with minors in Plant Pathology and Agronomy. His research is focused on identifying the mechanism of whitefly resistance in alfalfa. After graduating, he hopes to eventually work in the non-profit/NGO sector addressing issues related to food insecurity. 



This webinar is freely available thanks to the support of the American Society of Plant Biologists. Join today.



3 replies
  1. Dr.V.Ambikapathy
    Dr.V.Ambikapathy says:

    I am a plant biologist, I wish to participate inthe webinar. Sio we will discuss in the foram.wish you success

  2. Dr.V.Ambikapathy
    Dr.V.Ambikapathy says:

    Today we have lot of microorganisms for the conservation of actually goings-on the professors, scientist, students to participate and learning more in the foram. It is useful to the society and deplamatic relationship to the society

  3. Nafisehsadat Omidiani
    Nafisehsadat Omidiani says:

    I believe that medicinal plants have the potential to receive more attention ,while many countries ignore it .As a PhD scholar in Plant Science and Technology ,I would like to participate in this webinar.

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