Hong Zhao: The Plant Cell First Author

Hong Zhao, first author of “Origin, Loss and Regain of Self-Incompatibility in Angiosperms”

Current Position: Postdoc Fellow, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Education: B.S. from Lanzhou University (2014); Ph.D. from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (2020)

Non-scientific Interests: Reading, cycling and painting

Brief bio:

I obtained my Ph.D. from Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Yongbiao Xue. During my Ph.D. work, I studied the molecular and biochemical mechanisms of S-RNase-based self-incompatibility (SI) and discovered that S-RNase cytotoxicity is primarily restricted by a stepwise ubiquitination and degradation pathway during compatible pollination in Petunia hybrida. Then I continued my research as a postdoc fellow in Xue’s lab on evolution of S-RNase-based SI defined as type-1 SI in angiosperms and discovered that type-1 SI involved tightly linked female (T2 RNase) and male (FBK/FBA) components was likely established in basal angiosperms and have been maintained in multiple lineages despite WGD or frequently lost leading to new type 2-4 SI systems. Finally, I am fascinated and motivated by plant sciences and have a strong believe in collaboration to build a better science.






个人简介:我于2014年进入中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所攻读博士学位,在导师薛勇彪研究员的指导下,从事S-核酸酶类型自交不亲和性的分子和生化机制研究, 发现杂交矮牵牛花柱自交不亲和性决定因子S-核酸酶的细胞毒性主要通过分步泛素化和降解途径进行抑制,从而产生异交亲和反应。2020年获得博士学位后,我继续在薛老师组围绕被子植物S-核酸酶类型即1类自交不亲和性的进化机制开展博士后研究,并且发现由紧密连锁的T2类核酸酶和FBK/FBA元件所控制的1类自交不亲和性可能在基部被子植物中已经存在。尽管多次全基因组复制事件的发生可导致1类自交不亲和性丢失,进而进化出其它类型的自交不亲和性,但是多个支系通过删除重复的1类S位点仍然有效保留了1类自交不亲和性。最后,希望与有志之士学习与合作共同探索植物科学的奥秘。