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Many roads to success: different combinations of life-history traits provide accurate germination timing in seasonally dry environments ($) (Oiokos)

Ensuring that seeds germinate in the most suitable conditions for seedling establishment is critical for plant fitness, especially in environments where water is not readily available all year. Seed dormancy is considered to be the primary mechanism to achieve this. Still, many other different life-history…

Interspecific differences in maternal support in herbaceous plants: CNP contents in seeds varies to match expected nutrient limitation of seedlings ($) (Oikos)

Maternal care in plants is expressed through the investment in means for seed dispersal and germination and resource allocation to seeds. While the latter is limited by seed mass, this trait only provides a partial view of the functional importance of maternal care in plants. Notably, seed macronutrients…

Plant Science Research Weekly: November 19, 2021

Focus Issue on Architecture and Plasticity The November issue of Plant Physiology is a Focus Issue on Architecture and Plasticity. One of the most intriguing aspects of plant growth and development is the environmental responsiveness (also known as “plasticity”) of plant architecture (growth form).…

Ming Zhu: Plant Physiology First Author

Ming Zhu, co-first author of “miR169q and NUCLEAR FACTOR YA8 enhance salt tolerance by activating PEROXIDASE1 expression in response to ROS” Current Position: PhD student at College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China. Education: M.Sc. in School of Life Sciences, Anhui…

Lijuan Xing: Plant Physiology First Author

Lijuan Xing, co-first author of “miR169q and NUCLEAR FACTOR YA8 enhance salt tolerance by activating PEROXIDASE1 expression in response to ROS” Current Position: PhD student at Biotechnology Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Education: M.Sc. in School of Biotechnology…