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Plant Science Research Weekly: June 28

Review: A series of fortunate events: Introducing Chlamydomonas as a reference organism Clamydomonas reinhardtii is the most thoroughly characterized unicellular alga. Like yeast, it is a single-celled eukaryotic organism that is easy to culture, and it lives predominantly in its haploid form but…

Setting Time for a Hot Date: Paused Embryo Development and Protective Organogenesis Allow Dates to Cope with the Desert Environment

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Adaptive developmental plasticity, in which changing environmental conditions modulate morphogenesis, can help organisms survive harsh conditions. Common examples include the protection of shoot apical meristems by transient arrest and sequestration into bud-like structures in wintering evergreens (e.g.…

Announcing the Career Fair at Plant Biology 2019

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This year at Plant Biology 2019, we will have several Career Fair activities for you to participate in. On the Plantae Job Center, both employees and job seekers will be able to mark on their jobs or profiles that they will be attending Plant Biology 2019. Employers will also be able to purchase…