Maximizing the signal, decreasing the noise, Part 2: Skills for speaking and designing clearly

Maximizing the signal, decreasing the noise, Part 2: Skills for speaking and designing clearly

Recorded April 2019 

About This Webinar

In part 1 of the webinar, Professor Tobias Baskin introduced a philosophy for writing clearly based on recognizing that our words are read. In part 2, he extends that philosophy to speaking and designing. Your talk is listened to by an audience; your figures are looked at by readers; understanding how people listen and see can help us speak memorably and design effectively. He presents guidelines for capturing, and maintaining, the attention of your audience; and for presenting your data engagingly. The presentation will help you speak and design for any audience, ranging from the public to scientists in your field in a journal article.

Participants will be able to:

  • have greater confidence when they speak.
  • help the audience understand their presentation.
  • develop an aesthetic appropriate for graphic design in science.
  • avoid common mistakes in both speaking and making figures.


Professor Tobias Baskin is a plant physiologist who studies growth and development. He received his PhD from Paul Green at Stanford University and did postdoctoral research with Zach Cande at UC Berkeley and Richard Williamson at Australian National University.

He has been teaching writing to graduate students since the mid 1990s, first at the University of Missouri-Columbia and now at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. As a young adult, he studied theater. His father was an artist and typographer, steeping him in graphic design.




This webinar is free is freely available thanks to the support of the American Society of Plant Biologists

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