What We're Reading: November 16th
Blog, WWR Full PostPhotosynthesis Special Issue
This week’s ‘What We’re Reading’ summarizes the latest papers from the field of photosynthesis research. This includes a review on the discovery of the Calvin-Benson cycle by Tom Sharkey, and an Expert View on the relationship between nitrogen and photosynthesis…

What We're Reading: November 9th
WWR Full PostReview: Single-particle tracking for the quantification of membrane protein dynamics in living plant cells
Real-time tracking is a hugely powerful way to understand the behavior of single proteins. Cui et al. review the methods and applications of single-particle tracking (SPT) in plant cells. They…

What We're Reading: November 2nd
WWR Full PostEditorial: The challenge of the post-truth era
Why do people persist in thinking that climate change is not happening, or that vaccines cause autism? Scientists need to find better ways to communicate about what we do. In this editorial from Nature Cell Biology, the authors point to the low science…

What We're Reading: October 26th
WWR Full PostThis week’s edition is guest edited by Arif Ashraf, a PhD student at Iwate University, Japan and Graduate Student Ambassador of ASPB. His research interest is understanding the hormonal interplay in primary root development of Arabidopsis thaliana. He blogs about plant science (http://www.aribidopsis.com/).…

What We're Reading: October 19th
WWR Full PostThis week's edition is guest edited by Matthias Benoit, a postdoctoral Research Associate at The Sainsbury Laboratory University of Cambridge. His research focuses on the developmental, environmental and epigenetic regulation of tomato retrotransposons. His favorite models of study are fruit development…

What We're Reading: October 12
WWR Full PostGuest editor: Magdalena Julkowska
Magdalena is a PostDoc at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) working with Prof. Mark Tester. Her main interests are (1) salt-induced changes in root-to-shoot ratio in Arabidopsis, (2) study the expression patterns in plants…

What We're Reading: October 5
WWR Full PostGuest editor: Magdalena Julkowska
Magdalena is a PostDoc at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) working with Prof. Mark Tester. Her main interests are (1) salt-induced changes in root-to-shoot ratio in Arabidopsis, (2) study the expression patterns in plants…

What We're Reading: September 28
WWR Full PostFocused Review: A role for ecophysiology in the ’omics’ era
Ecophysiology is the study of plant functioning as modulated by the environment (or, as described by one author, "outdoors physiology"). Flexas and Gago ask whether research (and training) in ecophysiology has been left behind somewhat…

What We're Reading: September 21st
WWR Full PostSpecial Issue: Long-distance signaling ($)
Of course plants need to communicate between their different parts, and our understanding of these crucial signals has been advancing rapidly. This issue of Plant Cell Physiology includes a set of papers highlighting recent findings. A meeting report by…