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A Gene Affecting Chloroplast Size

During leaf growth and development, chloroplast numbers increase to maximize photosynthetic capacity. In mesophyll cells, chloroplast division takes place primarily during cell expansion and increases plastid numbers from; 10 to 20 in leaf primordia to; 100 or more in  mature mesophyll cells. Chloroplasts…

How Carrots Get Their Colors

Carrot (Daucus carota ssp. sativus) are classified into two groups: the carotene group (variety sativus) and the anthocyanin group (variety atrorubens). Carotene group members, also known as nonpurple carrots, accumulate massive amounts of carotenoids in their roots. Anthocyanin group members, also known…

Systems Analysis of Lignin Mutants

Lignin is a complex polymer deposited in plant cell walls that provides mechanical support and facilitates the transport of water and solutes through the vascular system, and aids in plant defense. Lignin waterproofs plant cells by providing a hydrophobic environment by chemical bonding with cellulose…