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Plant Science Research Weekly: November 8

Review: Exchange of small regulatory RNAs between plants and their pests Trans-species small RNAs are the latest class in the family of signals that move between plants and their attackers. Hudzik et al. review this topic, covering small RNAs that move from plant to pest and from pest to plant. The…

Seeing the Cell Wall in a New Light

Sidney L. Shaw Dept. of Biology (and Physics), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405   How cell expansion is controlled to achieve a specific cell morphology remains one of the frontier questions in plant biology.  The carefully guided extension of the plant…

Orange Is the New Green: Arabidopsis ORANGE Represses Chloroplast Biogenesis

Chloroplast development in germinating seedlings initiates upon illumination. Whereas chloroplasts in true leaves develop directly from proplastids, chloroplasts in cotyledons of dark-grown seedlings develop from an intermediate type of plastid called an etioplast. During development, etioplasts accumulate…

Buffering lipid synthesis by conditional inhibition

Author: Trevor H. Yeats, Email: Plant Breeding & Genetics Section, School of Integrative Plant Science, Cornell University, Ithaca NY USA (Commentary on Liu et al.) Lipid synthesis is a ubiquitous, but costly branch of primary metabolism in plants. All cells must make…

ADP Ribosylation: The Modification Causing a Disease Resistance Sensation

One of the key aspects of pathogenesis is the ability to sabotage host defenses and, to this end, plant pathogens produce a remarkable set of effector proteins that target host defenses at multiple levels. Plants, in turn, have defenses to counteract these effectors; one key aspect of this is the ability…

Local manufacturing: a center for photosystem biogenesis

Photosystem biogenesis in the chloroplast requires a concerted effort between synthesis and assembly of components including protein subunits, pigments, and other cofactors that varies both temporally and spatially. Sun, Valente-Paterno et al. (2019) investigate the translation zone (T-zone) of unicellular…

Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Liana T. Burghardt

Liana T. Burghardt, co-first author of A 'Select and Resequence' approach reveals strain-specific effects of Medicago nodule-specific PLAT-domain genes Current Position: I am a post-doc in the Plant and Microbial Biology department at the University of Minnesota. In Spring 2020, I start my lab as an…

Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Diana Trujillo

Diana Trujillo, co-first author of A 'Select and Resequence' approach reveals strain-specific effects of Medicago nodule-specific PLAT-domain genes Current Position: Principal Scientist, MNPHARM, Minnesota - USA Education: PhD in Microbial and Plant Biology, University of Minnesota Non-scientific…

Recognizing Plant Direct first authors: Wei Xu

Wei Xu, first author of Genomic analysis reveals rich genetic variation and potential targets of selection during domestication of castor bean from perennial woody tree to annual semi-woody crop Current Position: Associate Professor of plant molecular biology at Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Chinese…