Plantae Presents: Shifting to a New Species/Research Subject
Blog, Education, Plantae WebinarsPlantae Presents: Shifting to a New Species/Research Subject
Featuring Arif Ashraf, Stacey Harmer, and Norma Pérez Rosas
When: Wednesday, November 22, 2023, at
09:00 AM PST | 12:00 PM EST | 5:00 PM GMT | 10:30 PM IST
About this Webinar
Join us for a groundbreaking webinar as we delve into…

Plantae Presents: Importance of Self-care and Community Care
Blog, Education, Plantae WebinarsPlantae Presents: Importance of Self-care and Community Care
Featuring Yasin Dagdas, Roger Innes, and Mary Williams
When: Tuesday, October 31, 2023, at
08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT | 3:00 PM GMT | 11:00 PM Beijing
About this Webinar
The global pandemic has largely affected the global population…

Teaching Tips for Plant Scientists
Blog, EducationWhether you are new to academic teaching, interested in it, or even experienced in academic teaching, a plant scientist, not a plant scientist, this article is for you. Good teachers and educators have the power of making any individual passionate about topics they thought they hated, and exceptional…

Finding Ways to Enhance the Science Public Perception
Blog, EducationScientific discoveries can truly revolutionize human society, even though public perception on this matter might be far behind its relevance. In an increasingly interconnected and technologically advanced world, science plays a pivotal role in shaping our lives, addressing global challenges, and driving…

Plant Physiology Focus Issue Webinar: Plant Cell Polarity Sept 25, 2023
Blog, Education, Plant Physiology, Plantae Webinars, WebinarsPlant Physiology Webinar: Plant Cell Polarity
Celebrating the September 2023 Focus Issue on Plant Cell Polarity
Recorded Monday, September 25, 2023
About This Webinar
Plant cell polarity plays a pivotal role in the fundamental processes that dictate plant growth, development, and adaptation.…

Plantae Presents: Enhancing Teaching Skills for Plant Scientists
Blog, Education, Plantae WebinarsPlantae Presents: Enhancing Teaching Skills for Plant Scientists
Featuring Debayan Bose, Ronda Hamm, Andrea Paterlini, and James Piercy
When: Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at
08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT | 4:00 PM BST | 11:00 PM Beijing
About this Webinar
Join us for an engaging webinar where…

Let Us Appreciate Efforts Over Outputs
Blog, EducationIn contemporary society, outcomes often take precedence in determining one's identity. During job interviews, a few lines on a CV become the barometer of one's professional experience. Academic prospects hinge on the numerical value of a GPA. All too frequently, self-worth becomes intertwined with measurable…

Plant Cell Focus Issue Webinar: Biomolecular Condensates Sept 13, 2023
Blog, Education, Plantae WebinarsPlant Cell Webinar: Biomolecular Condensates
Celebrating the September 2023 Focus Issue on Biomolecular Condensates
Recorded Wednesday, September 13, 2023 12:00 pm UTC
About This Webinar
Biomolecular condensates are membrane-less organelles or bodies that often form via liquid–liquid…

Literature Tools for Researchers
Blog, Careers, EducationSearch engines, databases, and literature searches, oh my!
Finding and managing references is a complex task. Luckily there are a number of digital tools that can help this task. In this infographic, ASPB Plantae Fellow Ángel Vergara Cruces presents a series of articles to find, access, organize…