Andrea Eveland Teases Apart Gene Networks in Crop Plants
Blog, Careers, Profiles of Plant Scientists0 Comments
The Scientist (Feb 1 2017) profiles Andrea Eveland, Principle Investigator at the Danforth Center.
Read more here Andrea Eveland Teases Apart Gene Networks in Crop Plants
Her lab webpage
Exploring education resources focused on medicinal plants and ethnobotany
Blog, Education, Education General, Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchMedicinal plants, which the majority of people use to some degree for their health needs, provide a platform for engaging students in scientific inquiry. Straus & Chudler present an overview of online teaching resources focused on medicinal plants and ethnobotany. The sites highlighted provide a…
Robert Zeigler. Importance of rice science and world food security
Blog, CSVL Research, Curated Webinars / Video Lectures, WebinarsFilmed at the 2011 Gatsby Plant Summer School
Abstract: Rice is the most important food crop of the developing world and the staple food of more than half of the world’s population, many of whom are also extremely vulnerable to high rice prices. In developing countries alone, more than 3.3 billion…
Steve Long: Food, Feed and Fuel from Crops under Global Atmospheric Change. Could we have it all in 2030?
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Science In Real Life (IRL) - an educational YouTube series
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Time-resolved analysis of protein synthesis in native plant tissue
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Blog, Education, ResourcesSupplemental resources for TTPB "Plants and their microsymbionts" - Incredibly comprehensive web resource on the biology and study of mycorrhizal associations, © Mark Brundrett, CSIRO 2008.
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Wheat blast disease: a deadly and baffling fungal foe
Blog, Education, ResourcesThis is a nice downloadable, printable fact-sheet from CIMMYT on Wheat Blast Disease that includes information on the key features of Wheat Blast, how to control it, where it is found in the world and its global significance, and a comprehensive references section for further reading.
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NABT inquiry, Mysterious Mycorrhizae?
Activities, Blog, EducationMysterious Mycorrhizae? A Field Trip & Classroom Experiment To Demystify the Symbioses Formed Between Plants & Fungi.
Published in the American Biology Teacher VOLUME 71, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2009 p 424 - 429. NANCY C. JOHNSON, V. BALA CHAUDHARY,