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NABT inquiry, Mysterious Mycorrhizae?

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Mysterious Mycorrhizae? A Field Trip & Classroom Experiment To Demystify the Symbioses Formed Between Plants & Fungi. Published in the American Biology Teacher VOLUME 71, NO. 7, SEPTEMBER 2009 p 424 - 429. NANCY C. JOHNSON, V. BALA CHAUDHARY, JASON D. HOEKSEMA, JOHN C. MOORE,ANNE PRINGLE, JAMES…

Best of 2016: Top Topics in Plant Physiology jounal

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We’ve highlighted some of the Plant Physiology papers that were widely shared, liked, blogged, retweeted and otherwise garnered high-levels of attention this year. Perhaps you can use some of that holiday-season quiet time to catch up on those you missed. The breakaway attention-getter from Plant…