Entries by Mary Williams

Plantae Presents –  The year in review 

Origins Cast your mind back to March 2020. You’ll surely remember learning about lockdowns, lab closures, and conference cancellations. At the time, many plant scientists were scrambling to learn how to work from home, keep experiments going, and juggle course loads and family or loneliness. At ASPB we were focused on finding new ways to […]

Plantae Presents – 2021 Schedule

We’ll be back! Join us in 2021 for more free Plantae Presents webinars. Here’s our schedule so far – mark your calendars! We’ll be updating this post regularly with titles and registration links as they are ready. Visit this page for more information about each of these events. All webinars 10 am EST / 3 […]

Review: Thriving under stress: How plants balance growth and stress response (Devel. Cell)

What exactly is the growth/defense tradeoff? This review is an excellent place to ask. Zhang et al. review evidence that shows that it is much more than a competition for limiting resources – the plant actively responds to stress in ways that may slow growth but ultimately promote survival. The authors thoroughly summarize key stress […]

Plant Science Research Weekly, December 18, 2020

Review: Thriving under stress: How plants balance growth and stress response What exactly is the growth/defense tradeoff? This review is an excellent place to ask. Zhang et al. review evidence that shows that it is much more than a competition for limiting resources – the plant actively responds to stress in ways that may slow […]

Self Reflections: A Blog Series

In 2018, a group of early-career researchers shared insights and advice about career development. Read the full series. Preparing an impressive CV: The DO’s and DONT’s of it The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 1 introduction, by Amanda Rasmussen The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 2 Isolation busting by Amanda Rasmussen The Transition […]

Review: The mechanical feedback theory of leaf lamina formation ($) (Trends Plant Sci.)

The contribution of microtubule orientation to the direction of cell expansion is familiar to most; when microtubules wrap around the middle of a cell like a belt, the cell expands in the perpendicular direction to become longer. Recent studies have extended this idea and proposed that the mechanical forces created by microtubules, along with reinforcing […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: December 11, 2020

Review: The mechanical feedback theory of leaf lamina formation The contribution of microtubule orientation to the direction of cell expansion is familiar to most; when microtubules wrap around the middle of a cell like a belt, the cell expands in the perpendicular direction to become longer. Recent studies have extended this idea and proposed that […]