Entries by Mary Williams

Jenna Gallagos, ASPB AAAS Mass Media Fellow, on Myths About Farming

Jenna Gallagos is a talented writer and a scientist, and she’s spending this summer as a writing fellow at the Washington Post. Here’s her latest, “10 mega myths about farming to remember on your next grocery run” https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/07/24/10-mega-myths-about-farming-to-remember-on-your-next-grocery-run/#  

Prof Sir David Baulcombe on new £30million Cambridge Centre for Crop Science

By 2050, the planet’s population is predicted to have reached 9.6 billion and pressure on our food sources will have intensified. Eminent plant scientist and molecular biologist Professor Sir David Baulcombe believes science and technology must provide the answers to this challenge. “I think it’s quite clear that modern agricultural methods are not sustainable,” says […]

Young Wha Lee on leaving academia for industry and finding career fulfillment

Young Wha Lee, Data Scientist at Monsanto, talks about searching for a career that bridges interests and gives joy, and how to approach industry jobs.  In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. This series is brought to you by the GSA […]

Review: Uncovering gene regulatory networks controlling plant cell differentiation ($)

The transparency and simplicity of the Arabidopsis root apex has made it an excellent model through which to understand the processes that lead from undifferentiated meristem cells to mature root tissues. Drapek et al. review the gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that underlie the development of the endodermis in Arabidopsis root tips. They first summarize the […]

Update: Shining light on the function of NPH3/RPT2-like proteins in phototropin signalling

Blue light regulates diverse functions including phototropism and chloroplast movements. Christie et al. summarize recent updates in understanding the signalling pathway between light perception by phototropins and downstream responses. They describe the central roles for the 33 members (in Arabidopsis) of the NRL protein family, named for the founding members NON-PHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL (NPH3) and ROOT […]

Review: The evolution of calcium-based signalling in plants

Calcium signalling is a ubiquitous process in plants and other organisms. Transporters at the plasma and vacuolar (tonoplast) membranes control entry and exit of calcium ion into the cytoplasm, and it is the cytoplasmic calcium level ([Ca2+]cyt) that affects cellular responses, as calcium-binding proteins alter their activities or binding properties in response to changing calcium […]

What We’re Reading: July 21

Review: The evolution of calcium-based signalling in plants Calcium signalling is a ubiquitous process in plants and other organisms. Transporters at the plasma and vacuolar (tonoplast) membranes control entry and exit of calcium ion into the cytoplasm, and it is the cytoplasmic calcium level ([Ca2+]cyt) that affects cellular responses, as calcium-binding proteins alter their activities […]

Report: Undergraduate research experiences for STEM students: Successes, challenges, and opportunities

A new report (free to download) from the National Academies, edited by Gentile et al., provides insights into how undergraduate research experiences (UREs) enhance and support undergraduate education, whether they are faculty-mentored lab or field-based research or research embedded in a course. This report describes many forms of URE with recommendations for how to design […]