Learnings from Dr. Clayton Larue, a scientist leader at Bayer Crop Science
Careerpaths, Profiles of Plant ScientistsBy Xiang Li, ASPB Conviron Scholar
As part of the Conviron Scholar Program, each scholar is matched to one mentor based on their research interests. I was matched to Dr. Clayton Larue. Dr. Larue is a scientist leader at Bayer Crop Science. He has been working on discovering and developing novel herbicide…

Informational Interview: Plant Diagnostic Clinic Director at Colorado State University, Ana Cristina Fulladolsa, PhD
Careerpaths, Profiles of Plant Scientists
Informational Interview by Jennifer Rushton, ASPB Conviron Scholar
How did you get involved in a career in plant science? Background
“I always knew I liked plants, but I was never a plant lover. I grew up in the city but got the chance to visit my grandmother is a rural area and always thought…

Informational interview: Dr. Mary Williams, working for ASPB
Careerpaths, Profiles of Plant ScientistsBy Xiang Li, ASPB Conviron Scholar
Mary William is a developer of Teaching Tools in Plant Biology and a Features Editor of the journals The Plant Celland Plant Physiology. After obtaining her Ph.D. at Rockefeller University and doing a postdoc at Berkeley, she spent 14 years as a Biology Professor…

Life as a Scientist, a Woman’s Perspective | Christine Fleet | TEDxEHC
Blog, Careerpaths, Careers, Careers - Blog, Careers in Plant Science, Work-Life Balance, Workplace Diversity0 Comments
Published on Apr 28, 2016
How do you juggle a toddler in a research lab? Very carefully. This talk looks at issues facing women (or any caregiver) in scientific careers, along with examples from women who have found ways to be successful as parents and as scientists.
As a member of the Biology…

Ten simple rules to make the most out of your undergraduate research career (PLOS)
Blog, Careerpaths, Careers, Careers - Blog, Careers in Plant Science, Skills and AdvicePLOS Computational Biology has a series of "Ten Simple Rules" articles.
Here is one for undergraduate researchers,
"Ten simple rules to make the most out of your undergraduate research career" by Megan Yu and Yu-Min Kuo
Here are the rules, read the article for elaboration
Rule 1:…

What's a liberal arts college and why should you care?
Careerpaths, Careers, Careers - Blog, Finding Your Next Position, General Information, PostdocsEvan Peck, an Assistant Professor at Bucknell College, writes about how he nearly didn't apply to a job he loves, and what a liberal arts college is.
The Jobs I Didn’t See: My Misconceptions of the Academic Job Market
Read more here.

Careers in Plant Pathology
Careerpaths, Careers in Plant Science, Profiles of Plant ScientistsThe British Society for Plant Pathology (BSPP) has created a set of profiles of people with careers in plant pathology.
Some are available as webpages and others as PDFs.
A few examples:
Molecular Plant Virologist Katherine A. Steele
Plant Disease Advisor Fiona Burnett
Professor of Plant…

Alternative careers in science: My experience as an informal educator
Blog, Careerpaths, Careers, Profiles of Plant ScientistsBy Courtney Price, Education & Outreach Specialist, Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center & Center for Applied Plant Sciences, and Plantae Fellow
With a passion for life science, conservation and education, my academic and professional experience has taken me on a convoluted path. That…

Career Profiles from the Soil Science Society of America
Careerpaths, Careers, Profiles of Plant ScientistsThe Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) has produced a set of career resources including a set of career profiles of soil scientists.
Here are a few links:
Consulting soil scientist in Alaska
Molecular environmental soil scientist
Research soil scientist
Check out the SSSA Career Profile…