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Chlamydomonas and Vitamin B12

Nutrient amendment experiments suggest that B12 limits phytoplankton growth in many aquatic ecosystems.  Eukaryotic algae cannot synthesize B12 and must instead obtain it from certain B12-producing prokaryotes. In many algae, B12 is required as a cofactor for the B12-dependent Met synthase enzyme (METH),…

Cineole Synthesis in Kiwifruit

Over 80 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been described in ripe kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.), with the most important odor-active compounds  typically being straight-chain esters and C6 aldehydes and alcohols. Another odorant proposed to be important in the flavor of ‘Hort16A’, one of three…

New Insights into Tomato Ripening

Fruit ripening results in changes in pigmentation, enhanced aromas and flavors, and flesh softening. The ripening process involves massive changes in gene expression patterns. RIPENING INHIBITOR (RIN) is a transcription factor that plays a major role in regulating fruit ripening in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum).…