Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Chao Zhang

Chao Zhang, first author of OsATM safeguards accurate repair of meiotic double-strand breaks in rice

Current Position: Lecturer, College of Agriculture, Yangzhou University

Education: Ph.D. in Genetics, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Non-scientific Interests: badminton, computer game, cooking

Brief bio: I majored in biotechnology at Jinan University during undergraduate course. During master program, I started the research on rice functional genomics at Nanjing Agricultural University. My work for PhD at IGDB, supervised by professor Zhukuan Cheng, involved meiotic caryokinesis and meiotic cytokinesis. I studied the function of proteins related to DSB repair process in meiotic caryokinesis research and DCM1, a zinc finger protein, in meiotic cytokinesis research. After graduation, I got a position at Agricultural College of Yangzhou University and continued my research on rice functional genomics. Scientific research is a poetic life. I hope I can read more beautiful rhymes in my research work hereafter.





