Rice tiller angle mediated by the LAZY1-dependent asymmetric distribution of auxin
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe angle at which leaves extend are held in a rice plant (tiller angle) affects the plant’s ability to intercept light and therefore potential yield. Genetic studies have identified a few genes involved in tiller angle, including the LAZY1 gene that encodes a protein involved in auxin transport. To…
Network modelling unravels mechanisms of crosstalk between ethylene and salicylate signalling in potato
Plant Science Research WeeklyPotato is susceptible to many pathogens. To facilitate breeding programs, Ramšak et al. combined transcriptomic data from potato/virus interactions with a defense network model developed mainly from Arabidopsis. Their model revealed a previously undescribed interaction between ethylene and salicylate…
What We're Reading: June 29th
WWR Full PostAuxin methylation is required for differential growth in Arabidopsis
Plants need to navigate and adjust their growth according to the environmental clues, such as light or gravity. Asymmetric distribution of auxin is necessary for organ bending. Abbas and colleagues show that conversion of indole-3-acetic…
Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Živa Ramšak
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesŽiva Ramšak, first author of Network modelling unravels mechanisms of crosstalk between ethylene and salicylate signalling in potato
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher at the National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Education: PhD in Bioinformatics (Biotechnical Faculty, University…
Make the Most of Jobs.Plantae.Org - June 26, 2018
Blog, Careers, Careers - Blog
Make the most of your profile on Jobs.Plantae.org:
· Upload your resume/CV, so you can apply for jobs faster
· Make your resume/CV public, so employers can find you
· Set up Job Alerts, so you’ll get an email any time a job that fits the criteria…
Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Inês Carqueijeiro
Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesInês Carqueijeiro, featured first author of Two tabersonine 6,7-epoxidases start synthesis of lochnericine-type alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Tours
Education: PhD in Plant Biochemistry at the University of Porto (2013), MS in Plant Biology…
Moonlighting NAD+ Malate Dehydrogenase is Essential for Chloroplast Biogenesis
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In BriefSome proteins are put to work in more than one job, in a form of evolutionary improvization. They are often described as "moonlighting" proteins, referring to the practice of people taking a second job, typically after dark, to help pay the bills. A classic example of a moonlighting protein is the…
Introducing the Plant Physiology Focus Issue on Cell Dynamics
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials, ResearchPlant Physiology recently published a Focus Issue on Cell Dynamics. We asked the editors involved to tell us about what is meant by Cell Dynamics and why this topic is interesting and relevant, as well as about the Focus Issue program in general. This 11-minute video features Editor-in-Chief Mike Blatt…
Review: The rice genome revolution: from an ancient grain to Green Super Rice ($) (Nat. Rev. Genetics)
Plant Science Research WeeklyRice is one of the major staple crops in the world as it is an essential component of diets and livelihoods. Populations in poor regions that are highly dependent on rice (Africa and South Asia) will increase dramatically by 2050, revealing the urgent need to find tools to prevent a future humanitarian…