How microaggressions are like mosquito bites
Workplace Diversity0 Comments
Here's a short video that uses a metaphor to explain what microagressions are.
How climate change threatens to make our bread less tasty (The Conversation)
Blog, Research, Research Blog
Increasing carbon dioxide is impacting some of our favourite foods.Glenn Fitzgerald, University of Melbourne
Climate change and extreme weather events are already impacting our food, from meat and vegetables, right through to wine. In our series on the Climate and Food, we’re looking at what this…
As global food demand rises, climate change is hitting our staple crops (The Conversation)
Blog, Research, Research Blog
Farmers face falling crop yields and growing food demand.
ShutterstockAndrew Borrell, The University of Queensland
Climate change and extreme weather events are already impacting our food, from meat and vegetables, right through to wine. In our series on the Climate and Food, we’re looking at…
Review: Source-sink interactions in plants ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogWith populations increasing globally, improving crop yield potential is one of the major challenges to the plant biologist, complicated by the changing climate. A better understanding of the source (material producer or exporter, e.g., leaves) – sink (material importer or consumer, e.g., roots, growing…
Phloem unloading in Arabidopsis roots
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogIt is well known that long distance transport and movement of molecules is enabled by phloem, but the precise mechanism of loading/unloading of phloem mobile compounds is not known. In this article, Ross-Elliott et al. used a combination of approaches (non-invasive imaging, 3D-electron microscopy, and…
What We’re Reading: March 3
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchUpdate: Stomatal biology of CAM plants
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants open their stomata at night, decreasing water loss and increasing water-use efficiency as well as drought tolerance. Males and Griffiths review the stomatal biology of CAM plants as compared to C3 plants. For example,…
What's a liberal arts college and why should you care?
Careerpaths, Careers, Careers - Blog, Finding Your Next Position, General Information, PostdocsEvan Peck, an Assistant Professor at Bucknell College, writes about how he nearly didn't apply to a job he loves, and what a liberal arts college is.
The Jobs I Didn’t See: My Misconceptions of the Academic Job Market
Read more here.
Activity: Do plants need soil to grow?
Activities, Education, Multimedia, Resources, Younger ChildrenThis resource provides a set of videos and a practical investigation aimed at supporting working scientifically in the classroom and relating science to real world experiences. In the first video Professor Brian Cox joins a teacher to find out how to set up and run an investigation to find out if plants…
Writing That Standout Research Statement
Careers, Careers - Blog, General Information, PostdocsIf you're applying for an independent position, you'll need to submit a Research Statement about your future research plans. Bethany Hout (@huotbethany) writes about a Pub Club group meeting to discuss how to write a Research Statment. Topics include "What makes a good research statement", "How important…