Insights from a survey of mentorship experiences
Plant Science Research WeeklyWhat do mentees want and need from their mentors, and are they getting it? How do factors such as gender identity and internationalism affect the quality of mentor/mentee interactions? Results from a survey of more than 2000 mentees (mostly postdocs and graduate students) are reported, along with a thorough…

Running a sustainable, values-drivenresearch group in the next generation
Plant Science Research WeeklyThis is a fantastic article to help new, future, and even current lab heads think about their postures, priorities, and practices. It was developed through a workshop held during the Arabidopsis meeting, originally scheduled for 2020 but held online in 2021 and run by several scientists who recently…

Jaishree Subrahmaniam (she/her)
BlogJaishree is a joint MSCA fellow at the EcoScience, Chemistry and Molecular Biology units at Aarhus University (Denmark). Her PhD at INRAE (France) focused on understanding whether altruism and cooperation, the abilities to help one another, exist in plants. She believes that the biggest benefit that…

When mentoring matters: a French mentoring program for women in science (Nature Biotech.)
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe term gender scissor describes the distribution of men and women throughout their scientific career: while girls represent more than a half of the University students, the percentage of women in science markedly decreases beyond the PhD. This trend has been reported in different European Union member…

Lessons from Plants: A Conversation with Beronda Montgomery
Blog, Plantae Webinars0 Comments
A conversation with Beronda Montgomery
Recorded April 6, 2021
Beronda Montgomery is a Foundation Professor at Michigan State University in the departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Microbiology & Molecular Genetics.
The Montgomery Lab pursues a common research theme of…

Taproot S5E2: Multiculturalism Matters in the Rhizosphere--and in Academia
Blog, The Taproot Season 5, The-TaprootThis week’s podcast is a conversation with Dr. Adán Colón-Carmona, Professor of Biology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Adán received his PhD from University of California, Irvine and he did postdoctoral research at the Salk Institute and at the University of California, Davis. His research…

Self Reflections: A Blog Series
Blog, Careers
In 2018, a group of early-career researchers shared insights and advice about career development. Read the full series.
Preparing an impressive CV: The DO’s and DONT’s of it
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 1 introduction, by Amanda Rasmussen
The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part…

Parenting & Scientific Training
Blog, Plantae Webinars, Professional DevelopmentParenting & Scientific Training
Recorded Tuesday, June 16, 2020
About This Webinar
In this webinar, organized by ASPB’s Women in Plant Biology Committee, our panelists discuss challenges, resources, tips, and opportunities for scientists in training who are also parents or considering…

All aboard the mentor-ship: making and using an Individual Development Plan
Blog, Plantae Webinars, Professional Development, WebinarsAll aboard the mentor-ship: making and using an Individual Development Plan
Recorded September 10, 2019
About This Webinar
Individual Development Plans (IDPs) are a tool to facilitate student-trainer relationships and help students and post-docs of all levels to evaluate their project and career…