Running a sustainable, values-drivenresearch group in the next generation
This is a fantastic article to help new, future, and even current lab heads think about their postures, priorities, and practices. It was developed through a workshop held during the Arabidopsis meeting, originally scheduled for 2020 but held online in 2021 and run by several scientists who recently became principal investigators. The first part provides excellent recommendations for developing that all-important fundable research program. The next addresses lab culture and provides tips for how to identify and prioritize what you and your lab group value. Finally, suggestions for how to ensure that your lab’s output is reproducible are provided, starting with the statistic that “70% of surveyed researchers report having trouble replicating either their own findings or those of their peers.” Instilling good data management practices in trainees is perhaps one of the most critical lessons a PI can provide, both for the future success of their protégés and the long-term soundness of science. Transparency in communications and sharing of resources and protocols are also critical habits to impart. (Summary by Mary Williams @PlantTeaching) J. Exp. Bot.