Improving Outreach In Plant Science
NAASC, Resources for AlliesImproving Outreach In Plant Science- Workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual
Jose Dinneny, Stanford (and former NAASC member) organized this workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual. The workshop stemmed from his leadership of two NAASC activities on the topic of Outreach in Plant Science that occurred between 2018-2021,…

Letter to the editor: Creating supportive environments in academia for Black scientists to thrive
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsThis letter by Kevin Cox, Kiona Elliott, and Taylor Harris is the 4th in our series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM disciplines. Read the editorial call for letters here: Sowing the seeds of equity and diversity in academia and STEM disciplines.
Cox KL Jr, Elliott KR, Harris TM (2021) Creating…

Letter to the editor: Challenges facing LGBTQ+ early-career scientists and how to engage in changing the status quo
Blog, LGBTQ+ Plant Scientist Network, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsThis letter by Sterling Field and Alex Rajewski is the 3rd in our series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM disciplines. Read the editorial call for letters here: Sowing the seeds of equity and diversity in academia and STEM disciplines.
Field S, Rajewski A (2021). Challenges facing LGBTQ+…

Letter to the editor: Ready, primed, go: Ending the racism pandemic in science
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsThis letter by Sona Pandey is the 2nd in our series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM disciplines. Read the editorial call for letters here: Sowing the seeds of equity and diversity in academia and STEM disciplines.
Pandy, S. (2020). Ready, primed, go: Ending the racism pandemic in science.…

Letter to the editor: Planting equity: Using what we know to cultivate growth as a plant biology community
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsThis letter by Beronda Montgomery is the 1st in our series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM disciplines. Read the editorial call for letters here: Sowing the seeds of equity and diversity in academia and STEM disciplines.
Montgomery, BL (2020). Planting equity: Using what we know to cultivate…

NAASC-Seeds of Change: Using Plants to Broaden the Impact of Science in Society
Blog, Changing Culture and Climate, Education General Public, NAASC, Video Lectures / Webinars, WebinarsIn November 2018, NAASC hosted an NSF-funded* workshop entitled "Broadening the Impact of Plant Science Through Community-Based Innovation, Evaluation and Sharing of Outreach Programs" at the University of California, Davis.
The 3-day workshop was organized by members of NAASC**, and before it started…

DiversifyPlantPubs - Amplifying Underrepresented Voices
Blog, Changing Culture and Climate, NAASC, Resources for BIPOC0 Comments
NAASC #DiversifyPlantPubs is simple and straight-forward. The NAASC DiversifyPlantSci Twitter account @DiversifyPlants re-tweets scientific articles, including pre-prints, written by scientists who self-identify as plant science researchers with diverse identity(ies).
If you are Black, Indigenous,…

DiversifyPlantSci Online Resource - A List of Plant Scientists that are Members of Under-Represented Groups
Blog, NAASC, Resources for Allies, Resources for BIPOCThe North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee (NAASC) is committed to promoting a global plant sciences community that reflects the true diversity of all its members. To further this mission, members of the NAASC Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Committee (Dr Elizabeth Haswell , Dr Joanna Friesner ,…