Increasing awareness of climate change impacts and the potential role of plant science in climate change impacts mitigation

ASPB Conviron Independent Project – Created by Andrew Egesa

(a). Why climate change?

The 21st century has witnessed a rapid increase in climate change drivers, comprising of industrial development and other activities associated with rising human population. As a result, climate change related challenges have become unprecedented and may have huge potential to promote variation in natural elements that support a balance of flora and fauna in different ecological zones. On matters of agriculture and food production, these changes may result in poor crop development and substantial reduction in yields especially in traditional farming zones.

Therefore, improving public awareness on the climate change-related challenges and the potential role of plants in their mitigation is important. This will help in boosting public interest and support to plant science research. It would also have a positive impact on policy development and environmental conservation efforts. As such, my project was directed at developing a simple information package for climate change awareness among the general public.

I have developed a set of three simple infographics describing climate change impacts on plants (especially crops) and the potential of using plants in managing climate change-related challenges as displayed below:

The infographic illustrates simple aspects of climate change, how climate change affects the environment, and possible approaches in mitigating climate change-associated challenges.

(b). Classification of climate change effects

Using examples, the infographic breakdown climate change impacts into primary, secondary and tertiary based on the chronology of occurrence and causal effect. Primary effects promote the occurrence of secondary effects that result in tertiary effects.

(c). Role of plant science in mitigation of climate change associated challenges

The infographic uses examples of key plant science tools and methods to illustrate the potential role of plant science in mitigating climate change challenges.

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