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Get Your Message Across: A Guide to Artwork and Illustrations for Better Impact and Clarity

This PlantBio20 workshop, organized by the ASPB Publications, covered the production of figures, artwork, illustrations, and posters that effectively convey information and complex concepts. The workshop consisted of three presentations on principles of good design, using R/Python to generate complex…

Learnings from Dr. Clayton Larue, a scientist leader at Bayer Crop Science

By Xiang Li, ASPB Conviron Scholar As part of the Conviron Scholar Program, each scholar is matched to one mentor based on their research interests. I was matched to Dr. Clayton Larue. Dr. Larue is a scientist leader at Bayer Crop Science. He has been working on discovering and developing novel herbicide…

Mindful Landscaping

By Jennifer Ruston, ASPB Conviron Scholar Why do we have lawns? The American dream in the 1950’s—a suburban home, 2 children, a white picket fence and a lawn. A lawn with crisp lines indicating the latest mowing pattern. A lawn the perfect shade of green. A lawn that has been catered to and…

What's graduate school in plant biology like?

A short video about some of the components of graduate school in plant biology by ASPB Conviron Scholar Haley Carter

Metabolite Biosensors

ASPB Conviron Scholars Presentation by Nikolaos Ntelkis

Turning a spotlight on orphan crops, the crops for the future

Could orphan crops be the key to address food insecurity, climate change and biodiversity loss? Find out in this presentation by ASPB Conviron Scholar Sessen Daniel Iohannes  

Beating out of the heat in tomato

ASPB Conviron Scholar Research Presentation by Mathieu Ayenan  

Are we ready for next disease epidemic in our crops

ASPB Conviron Scholars Presentation Created by Godwin James

Let There be Light - How UV light can help us to protect our strawberries

ASPB Conviron Scholar Presentation by Prisca Meyer