The Plant Science Research Network
Learn more about the Plant Science Decadal Vision
Learn more about the Plant Science Decadal Vision
Plant Science Decadal Vision 2020 – 2030
The Plant Science Decadal Vision identifies eight major goals to integrate research, people, and technology over the next decade. Addressing these goals will require unprecedented collaborations within and outside the plant and microbial sciences, new technologies, new training paradigms, new work cultures, and the broadening of participation. Learn more.
How to Cite
Henkhaus N, Bartlett M, Gang D, et al. Plant Science Decadal Vision 2020–2030: Reimagining the Potential of
Plants for a Healthy and Sustainable Future. Plant Direct. 2020; 00: 1-22.
The Plant Science Decadal Vision 2020 – 2030 was published in Plant Direct as an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐Non Commercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
PSRN NEWS: Press releases, blog posts, and announcements.
The PSRN is an NSF funded project. Follow us on Twitter!
The PSRN organizes activities such as strategic planning workshops and community listening sessions. Learn more about the PSRN workshops by downloading the white papers.
Plant Science Decadal Vision 2020-2030: Reimagining the Potential of Plants for a Healthy Future (2020). The Decadal Vision identifies eight major goals to integrate research, people, and technology over the next decade. Addressing these goals will require unprecedented collaborations within and outside the plant and microbial sciences, new technologies, new training paradigms, new work cultures, and the broadening of participation.
Reinventing Postgraduate Training in the Plant Sciences (2018). The PSRN presents the recommendations that resulted from two workshops held in 2016 and 2017.
Plant Systems Cyberinfrastructure 10 Year Strategic Plan (2017). A 10-year strategic plan for cyber infrastructure needs for plant systems research, with goals to advance interdisciplinary training and broadening participation. Recommendations from the 2016 workshop addressing big data and cyberinfrastructure for plant systems research.
Imagining Science in 2035 (2016). Scenarios are different than typical projections, in that they offer alternative stories about the future that are used collectively to develop strategies. Describing 20-year scenarios for plant science, Imagining Science in 2035 is intended to provide a broad-based, plant science-oriented resource for planning research, education and training activities. Follow the career path of a fictional plant scientist named Dakota in four distinct future scenarios for the year 2035. The early indicators, strategies, and critical uncertainties for the plant sciences were identified in our 2016 Scenario Development workshop. Additional resources are available in the Plantae collection of resources.
Unleashing a Decade of Innovation in Plant Science: A Vision for 2015-2025 (2013). A second meeting, the Plant Summit 2013, consisting of a smaller cohort of plant scientists whose charge was to build upon the foundational work of the first Summit and develop a succinct compilation of recommended plant science research priorities, was convened in January 2013. The 2013 report established a need for the Plant Science Research Network and identified community priorities for plant science research and training over the 10 years (2015 – 2025).
The Green Frontier: A Unified Vision for Plant Research (2011). In September 2011, representatives from the full spectrum of plant science research – from basic to applied and industry to academia – gathered to develop a consensus plan to invigorate and guide plant science research over the next decade. The meeting marked the first time this diverse community assembled to unify their vision for the future.
The Plant Science Research Network (PSRN) was established in August 2015 to further the goals outlined in the 2013 Decadal Vision. Since then, the PSRN has organized strategic workshops around topics such as big data, training, diversity and inclusion, and plant science research. Learn more by downloading the workshop white papers.
The PSRN is an NSF funded project. Follow us on Twitter!
Visit the PSRN exhibit booth at SACNAS 2019 and ABRCMS 2019 to connect with us! If you aren’t able to attend these meetings, we invite you to browse the resources below.
PLANT SCIENCE INTERNSHIPS: More than 150 undergraduate research internships programs curated by the Plant Science Research Network. Plant science research topics span computational biology, ecology and evolution, general biology, and plant science research.
Conferences and Travel Awards: Check back in 2021 for more information.
Career Development (Genetics Society of America): As part of our mission, GSA helps scientists develop their skills and achieve their career goals. We design programs and initiatives to provide experience, training, mentorship, and community.
DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics (Genetics Society of America): The award supports young geneticists in their graduate or postdoctoral career stages by offering a $1,000 grant to attend conferences and enroll in laboratory courses.
The PSRN is an NSF funded project. Follow us on Twitter!
Visit the PSRN member organization websites to learn about Membership, Conferences, Travel Awards, Science Policy, and other opportunities.
The PSRN is an NSF funded project. Follow us on Twitter!
Research network presents action plan for the plant science community to maximize impact on pressing global issues such as human health and climate change.
Plant science research has tremendous potential…
With society summer conferences going online, the Plant Science Research Network has hosted a series of virtual discussions on the new Plant Science Decadal Vision 2020 – 2030.
On August 26, BTI President…
Recorded Wednesday, June 17,
‘Virtual’ Lunch~N~Learn Seminar via Webinar
Reimagining the Potential of Plants for a Healthy and Sustainable Future
The Decadal…
Attending the Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) 2020 meeting? Join representatives from the Plant Science Research Network (PSRN) to discuss the Decadal Vision for Plant Systems Science.
The workshop…
The Plant Science Research Network attends two conferences each fall to support undergraduate research and education: SACNAS and ABRCMS. Connecting undergraduate students to research opportunities in the…
Authors: JP Dundore-Arias, Jacque Fletcher, and Brett Tyler
This article originally appeared in Phytopathology News (May 2019, Volume 53, Issue 5)
“The goal of a sustainable future, with a more…
What tools and skills do tomorrow’s plant scientists need, and how can we as a community ensure that today’s students get appropriate training? The Plant Science Research Network (PSRN), a consortium…
Action Alert: America Grows Act
PSRN Updates: Inclusivity in the Plant Sciences and Plant Summit 2019
President’s Letter—Securing the Future of Plant Biologists
New This Year! Join the Conversation Circle at the ASPB Booth
Introduction: NPSI information
Introduction: Imagining Science in 2035
What are Early Indicators? And how can I use them to think about the future?
President’s Letter: Where Do We Go from Here?
Post-workshop impressions with Rishi, Abby, and Blake!
The People of the PSRN: Plant Science Research Network Steering committee members
Workshops (and Symposia) for the Weekend: Saturday and Sunday at Plant Biology 2017
President’s Letter: Roll Up Your Sleeves!
The PSRN is an NSF funded project. Follow us on Twitter!