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Sustainable Plant Production

Plant Science Research Network Releases Decadal Vision 2020-2030

Research network presents action plan for the plant science community to maximize impact on pressing global issues such as human health and climate change.  Plant science research has tremendous potential to address pressing global issues including climate change, food insecurity and sustainability.…
Reimagine the Workplace

Summer Webinars on the Plant Science Decadal Vision

With society summer conferences going online, the Plant Science Research Network has hosted a series of virtual discussions on the new Plant Science Decadal Vision 2020 - 2030. On August 26, BTI President Dr. David Stern presented on the Plant Science Decadal Vision 2020–2030, a holistic vision for…

Plant Science Decadal Vision Webinar with David Stern and Samantha Miller

Recorded Wednesday, June 17, 'Virtual' Lunch~N~Learn Seminar via Webinar PLANT SCIENCE DECADAL VISION, 2020-2030 Reimagining the Potential of Plants for a Healthy and Sustainable Future The Decadal Vision for Plant Science will be the subject of a National Coalition for Food and Agricultural…

PAG 2020 discussion on the next Decadal Vision

Attending the Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) 2020 meeting? Join representatives from the Plant Science Research Network (PSRN) to discuss the Decadal Vision for Plant Systems Science. The workshop will highlight ongoing progress, opportunities, challenges, and breakthroughs in advancing towards…

Plantae Internships and conference updates from the PSRN

The Plant Science Research Network attends two conferences each fall to support undergraduate research and education: SACNAS and ABRCMS. Connecting undergraduate students to research opportunities in the plant sciences is a goal of the PSRN, which curates resources to support student research, careers,…

Unite, Inspire, Enable: The future of plant science

Authors: JP Dundore-Arias, Jacque Fletcher, and Brett Tyler This article originally appeared in Phytopathology News (May 2019, Volume 53, Issue 5) “The goal of a sustainable future, with a more nimble and innovative workforce and a highly competitive research enterprise, is in the national interest….…

White Paper: Reinventing postgraduate training in the plant sciences (Plant Direct)

What tools and skills do tomorrow’s plant scientists need, and how can we as a community ensure that today’s students get appropriate training? The Plant Science Research Network (PSRN), a consortium of plant science organizations and societies, has organized a series of workshops and discussions…

Plant scientists call for renewed focus on empowerment of trainees

Preparing graduate students and postdocs for diverse careers Changes in the workforce are challenging academia to prepare scientists to be adaptable and adept at communicating across boundaries. To meet these demands, the Plant Science Research Network (PSRN, is shifting the focus…

About the Plant Science Research Network

The Plant Science Research Network (PSRN) was established in August 2015 through the support of a National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network (RCN) award to the Boyce Thompson Institute (BTI) and the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), to further the goals outlined in the 2013…