Using Raspberry Pi Computers in the Lab
Plantae Webinars, Research, Research Skills0 Comments
Using Raspberry Pi Computers in the Lab
Recorded April 2018
About This Webinar:
This webinar will demonstrate how low-cost microcomputers may be used for different applications in the lab. The seminar will focus on tips and suggestions for setting up low-cost, high-throughput phenotyping hardware.…

Video Creation 101: Overview and Helpful Tips
Plantae Webinars, Science CommunicationVideo Creation 101: Overview and Helpful Tips
Recorded March 2018
About This Webinar:
This webinar provides an overview of what it takes to create a short 1- to 2-minute video that communicates research findings to a lay audience. Areas covered include finding effective video editing software;…

The Future of Phenomics Enabled Biology: Key Takeaways from Phenome 2018
Blog, Plantae Webinars, ResearchThe Future of Phenomics Enabled Biology: Key Takeaways from Phenome 2018
Recorded March 2018
About This Webinar:
In this webinar, Carolyn Lawrence-Dill and Joshua Peschel, members of the Phenome 2018 Organizing Committee, discuss the key takeaways from the February 2018 conference held in Tucson,…

You Too Can Be On YouTube: Learn How to Create Engaging Science Communication Videos with Molly Edwards
Plantae Webinars, Science CommunicationYou Too Can Be On YouTube: Learn How to Create Engaging Science Communication Videos with Molly Edwards
Recorded February 2018
About This Webinar:
Join the discussion with Molly Edwards, a graduate student in the Kramer Lab at Harvard University. With funding she received from ASPB’s BLOOME…

Communicate Your Research Work Efficiently Using Graphical Abstracts with Frédéric Bouché
Plantae Webinars, Science Communication
About this Webinar:
Research takes time—a lot of time. Once your manuscript is submitted, the reviewing process takes time—a lot of time. When your paper is finally published, you want it to be noticed by the scientific community – you want it to stand out and get noticed. One way…

Plants, Rumors and Imaging Spectroscopy with Alina Zare
Plantae Webinars, Research, Research SkillsPlants, Rumors and Imaging Spectroscopy
Recorded February 2018
About this Webinar:
Most supervised machine learning algorithms assume that each training data point is paired with an accurate training label (for classification) or value (for regression). However, obtaining accurate…

WordPress 101 for Plant Scientists with Julia Miller
Plantae Webinars, Science CommunicationWordPress 101 for Plant Scientists with Julia Miller
Recorded February 2018
WordPress is the most popular self-hosted blogging tool in the world. It powers millions of websites because it is easy to learn to use. This webinar covers the basics of WordPress so you can start creating your own website…

Taking Plants off This Planet: What Does Spaceflight Teach Us about Biology, Adaptation and Our Place in the Universe
Plantae Webinars, Research, Research SkillsTaking Plants off This Planet: What Does Spaceflight Teach Us about Biology, Adaptation and Our Place in the Universe
Recorded February 2018
About this Webinar:
The study of space biology, along with astrobiology and exobiology, challenges plant science to actually probe the…

Getting the most out of RNA-seq data with expVIP
Plantae Webinars, Research, Research SkillsGetting the most out of RNA-seq data with expVIP
Recorded February 2018
About this Webinar:
In this webinar, we discuss the use of expVIP, an expression Visualisation and Integration Platform, which allows easy analysis of RNA-seq data combined with an intuitive and interactive visualization…