Using Raspberry Pi Computers in the Lab

Using Raspberry Pi Computers in the Lab

Recorded April 2018 

About This Webinar:

This webinar will demonstrate how low-cost microcomputers may be used for different applications in the lab. The seminar will focus on tips and suggestions for setting up low-cost, high-throughput phenotyping hardware. PlantCV (Plant Computer Vision; image analysis software for high-throughput plant phenotyping), will be highlighted as a tool for downstream analysis.

Participants will be able to:

  • Learn about low-cost technologies that might be useful tools in a lab.
  • Better understand what goes into setting up low-cost high-throughput phenotyping hardware.


Malia GehanMalia Gehan Principal Investigator Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Malia Gehan, Ph.D., is an assistant member and principal investigator at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, who focuses on understanding mechanisms of crop resilience under temperature stress. Her group is also focused on developing hardware and software tools for high-throughput phenotyping.

This webinar is free is freely available thanks to the support of the American Society of Plant Biologists

If you would like to sponsor an upcoming webinar please contact

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